Want to Book Lecrae, Tedashii, or Trip Lee for an Event?

“The Battle for the Mind” – A Daily Word – Aug. 27, 2010
August 27, 2010
Thank God for Mercy
August 28, 2010

We have received may emails about booking some of the bestย Christian rap artists in the industry for events. Now, Reach Records, their current recording lable, has made it extreamly easy to book any of their Christian rap artists for your event. They have just launched their new website Reach Bookingย allowing a streamline process to get to witness first hand these increadibly gifted artists live and up close!

Their Mission…

Our mission is to provide authentic, relevant ministry in your community that brings glory to Christ through our artists and speakers.ย  Whether you are needing a trainer, DJ, musical artist or speaker for your event, we are here to build a relationship with you while committing ourselves to transforming the culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If I were you, I would get my event started the right way… With Lecrae and Tedashii spittin some mean lyrics at my neighborhood block party!


  1. Exploits mutale says:

    I would like lecrae,trip and flame to zambia bcoz thru them God will change lives

  2. samantha says:

    i would like Lecrae, Tedashii, Trip Lee to come to my event on December 4th. im doing an event called hoops of hope and i want an amazing christian rapper there that could hopefully touch my friends and family like never before. i hope to hear back from you guys. thanks soo much.

  3. Aretha says:

    Yes I would love for them to come to my city-people need to hear about like never before- we will get it crnk Jesus style

  4. Jackie says:

    I’ve seen a coupple of videos where they minister to just a handful of guys n i’d love to see that on my campus in Kenya. Oh… How i wish!!!

  5. Moniek Haverkort says:

    Hey!!! I’m a very VERY big fan of all of them so it’s really hard for me to decide!! The thing is that I’d really like to surprise my church youth group and two special friends. I know it probably sounds like just any other request but I hope it’ll sound different. I live in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I believe our whole church ‘Beza International Church’ would really love to have any of them come to visit, especially Lecrae because our dance-team enjoys dancing to his music. But my special request is the fact that I have a friend who’s parents are strict and won’t let him show his talents and another one who is also very gifted. One can write very very AWESOME christian raps. He’s a very passionate 16 year old. And the other is an incredible 21 year old singer for our choir. I believe “No weapon formed against us shall prosper” and hopefully one of the above listed Christian rappers will help him show off their talents for Christ. we’ll take the world by storm one day with His grace. Thanks for setting an example!!

  6. RascoQuintus says:

    I would love Lecrae to come to Zambia and help change many lives of Zambians.And it would be greater vifd he comes with his fellas in there group.Halla

  7. Brian says:

    I would like to find out how to invite lecrae tedasshi to our church. Because we’re kinda losing our teens at our church because we don’t have a lot of things fun to do for them. I just think starting with this will help a lot. Being able to do this more often will keep them interested in church. Because a lot of the teens now days r listening to lil Wayne and eminem and all that nasty secular music. Lecrae u r awesome!!!!!! I like the way u and Tedasshi group together and bust out some sick Christian raps. It’s so wonderful to have Christian rappers that r in it for God and not the fame. Lecrae is genuin when I hear ur music I can feel the holy spirit same as Tedasshi. And there’s some out there that say there Christian but u can tell that there not.

  8. bb11 says:

    I really want to book lecrae but my dad is on a budget so how much is it to book lecrae for Florida

  9. Tiny says:


    I am looking to surprise my daughter at her birthday party with a surprise visit from lecrae. . She will be 12 years old on December 30th. My daughter absolutely loves him and his music. Many of her classmates that she has brought to Christ says that Lecrae is all that she talks about. Every time that she is asked what she wants for her birthday she says for her daddy to find a Job and to have Lecrae at her birthday party..lol.. Thank you for touching my daughters life!,

  10. Michael Anders says:

    i would love to have lecrae at my church we r always having people come and sing oldies nothing wrong with that but we r a now church and we need to have some more help reaching out to our community!!

  11. Ryan says:

    Thank you!! in helping me recieve my break through.

  12. Brighton muputisi says:

    We want 116 in zimbabwe

  13. Sams. says:

    I’m Sams, a young christian rapper still seeking spiritual and intellectual growth in christ before ministering. Lecrae’s my Role model. There are lots of young rappers for christ downhere that needs him and his clique if possible……so i would love it if he can come for programme,’THE EXPERIENCE’ Which is coming up in Lagos,Nigeria in december 2012. Thanks. Shallom!

  14. Nitzia says:

    My youth group is all about lecrae’s music and so we were wondering how much it’d be to book him for Texas!(:

  15. Rebekka says:

    I would love to see lecrae in germany to “Himmelfahrtfestival 2013″… but it’s very unlikely : /

  16. KebrOn says:

    Wow what a coincidence…..monik hu jst commented above is my friend n we go to the same church. I ws jst readin the comments n thinking of ways on how to state ma request. I rly do believe that it wld be amazing n a huuuuuge blessing, almost more than what we can ask for, if we cld hv lecrae here in Ethiopia, Addis Abeba Beza International Church. U rly cnt imagine the influence u guyz hv on us. Every friday @ our youth program u cn here all the trip lee, lecrae..songz n for all the youth, especially teens here hu think that church is a borin place, christian hip hop songs rly seem to show the fun passionate n amazing side of christianity. So wat am rly tryin to say is dat u r a huuge blessing to us n i cnt even begin to imagine how many more lives wld b changed if u cld cm n perform live. N thank u for bein a role model n jst keep bein u ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. Kuk-c-crumbles says:

    Hey guyz fo hu ever dats gonna read dis, i’d jst luv to say dat u guyz r such bleeeeesings. Addin up to wat monik n kebron said we’d loooove for u guyz to cm to Addis Abeba, Ethiopia Beza International Church. Its amazing that even the non-christians r startin to like christian music because of u guyz. U guyz r sooo privilaged that God is using ur lives to do all these amazing things n i rly do hope dat smday i cld b dat person too. N cming frm a person hu lives in ethiopia…it sounds a bit ironic bt lets jst say dat i believe wid God evrythin is possible. Ny ways we love u guyz soooo much n look, dis is how much we want u guyz to come we’r gangin up on u :p…hope u @ least consider dis n we have an AFRICA ARISE program comin up where the whole africa will gather n many people of God are ministering n we wld love to hv u as one of those ppl. It starts on January 23-27. Bt hey if u cnt make it then, no dead line fo u, jst try to cm ANY time….hu knows u might end up gettin blessed ethiopian style:). So thats abt it….tnx fo readin n btw fo all of y’all hu dnt no, lecrae’s fb page is awsome..lol

  18. Cookie :) says:

    Oh My God!! This is just awesome…lecrae, trip lee and everyone jamming, worshiping and praising the lord with the Ethiopian youth (greatly beloved by God)! I can not wait until u guys are here because ur cds have blessed us and changed a lot here, how much more could this influence grow if you were here live! So there it is, Beza Internationel Church is our home; could be urs too… ๐Ÿ™‚ much love! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Wale says:

    I used to be in to eminem, drake, the game and all the other rappers who rap about earthly possessions, women and money. When I first heard you rap it blew my mind away. A friend of mine gave me your CD and I started listening to it. And after that my life started to change. I was completely changed. I beg you to share onto others what I have recieved from you. Please come to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We youth at Beza International Church would like you to host a concert that will change the lives of millions of people. God Bless!!!
    P.S I loved Gravity!!!!!!!

  20. Yoni Rains says:

    I love the fact that the Beza Youth in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, is joinging together to convince one of the most beloved and influencial christian rappers ever!!
    Honestly it was really hard for me to transition from everyday secular music , till I heard my first Lecrae song ‘Identity’ I flipped out, because it was amazing how much it related to me and my situation. Ever since then I always brag to my friends, they say they got drake, I got Tedashii; they got lil wayne I got Lecrae,they got j. cole I got Trip Lee. So please! please!! try and come to Ethiopia ( at Beza International Church) and help us show the youth how cool Christian rap and music is, and that they can still express themselves in Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. kebs z :) says:

    hey! i dont even know how to begin. sorry for ambushing you like this but this is an awesome idea and you guys have been such a huge blessssssing to us here in Beza International Church, Addis Ababa and we love your songs like crazzzzy!!! you have personally changed a lot of things in my life through your songs and I just wanna say that God is using you in a huge way to get to people across the world to share the love of Christ specially teenagers. I know for sure you have become a stepping stone for us at Beza youth to see God in a different way for ourselves cause of our tradition and culture for the most of us Christianity was something we needed to do on a Sunday morning cause our parents told us to. But not anymo, cause of you guys now being a christian is a life style for us instead of a religion. you might not know Ethiopia or might not know that you had fans here but please please please consider it cause it would be an awesome blessing for us to have hold a concert here and im sure if u come u’ll be blessed too…. so please come. we love u!!!!

  22. i am a pastor’s son but God has much for me but the devil caught me has well and and want to be a beloved child of God and you pray a prayer for my…
    403 livi in laredo texas surrey (american)

  23. Alex Akpo says:

    I’m trying to book Lecrae for an Autism Awareness concert that me and a program I’m in at school are putting on. It’s our 10th Annual and it needs to be special.
    Anyone think they can help me out here?

  24. Santiago Velasquez says:

    Hey I was looking to see if I could book lacrae for an event. The youth at our church are just starting to become on fire for God and I want to keep that going. I know for a fact that they all love lacrae and would love to see you preform. If you could come it would keep them encouraged about staying on fire for God and its a good way to bring more youth to God.

  25. Melvinna Sharp says:

    I am just a regular person who loves God and our youth. They need to hear

    the gospel. They need to hear this music.

    Please, please consider coming to Compton, California. Our kids have no

    hope for the future and are dying out here. Please come. Save a life.

  26. Rubiel says:

    God bless Lacrae,

    I just saw you at battlecry over the weekend and you and Andy Mineo lit the stage up with both of your presence…I am the youth president of Second Baptist Church in Union city..This is my first year and I could honestly say I never thought I would be called to have an impact on the youth this way..I am new to this and I know this is a long shot since you have many requests to make appearances but that is not going to stop me to try to make a humble request. I feel it in my heart if you were able to stop by a just a few minutes that would excite the youth and if you could give some encouraging words, that would have an impact on them for many years to come. I humbly ask if you are ever in the nyc area we are just across the bridge. Our small but loving church is on 120 40th street in Union City, NJ. I enjoy your music but I mostly enjoy your story through it. I thank you for your time and we will keep you and everyone under reach records in prayer, especially Tedashii with his recent loss….God bless brother and hope to hear from you sometime in the future..

  27. glad gold says:

    I want 2 book 116 clique 4 a concert in port harcourt city nigeria. Ogbunabali community precisely. Come nd ignite d fire in our nigerian youths

  28. Hello lecrae im huge fan of your music i would like to book u for my church Youth Nightโ˜…And I was wonderin how much would be the cost and all that We live in Apopka FL!

  29. PFRANKY says:

    Greetings to Lecrae my fellow labourer in d vineyard. I am a gospel rapper in Nigeria and a Pastor. I am a fan of your works and hope to share a stage with you bro someday. Remain bless!

  30. 8-16-14 very large free Christian event that is going to save thousands of souls that night. Free food provided. Up to 50,000 people in attendance. Hundreds of counselors for ministry available. One night only. This event is focused on youths but will be open to all. Please we need you as our rapper just cancelled due to large crowd size event will be held in chiefland Florida

  31. in the end……. an operating habbo coins crack:

  32. Eliud Greg says:

    Hey i am from Kenya. Nairobi. I would like to host. You. Guys for a nice time. event in our. Country. This event is aimed at sponsoring or promoting upcoming talent in the gospel industry. Also we will bring youth together and imparting the word of God in them. It will be a blessing to many and lifes will be changed. Joi us Rated Fun Adventures as we spread the word of God thanks and hope to hear from you.

  33. Eliud Greg says:

    Send me the cost including the flight prices. Thanks you are a blessing to many people. Keep up the good work. Lecrea

  34. How much does a feature from lacre cost?
    Also will any artist on Reach Records be interested in rapping on any of my tracks/beats?
    Go to: http://www.majesticsoundz.six.com/majesticsoundzbeats

  35. V. Brunson says:

    I would love for you to perform at a birthday party for my son in March 2016. A young Christian man that has endured some things but still holding on to God’s unchanging hand. He lives your music.

  36. Hannah C says:

    Trip Lee,
    My name is Hannah Cabe. Sorry for bothering you i know you’re probably very busy ๐Ÿ™‚ My brother, who is a big fan of your music, is turning 18 on november 7th. He has a small recording studio where we writes and raps music. He has a great tallent for music and i was hoping, for a suprise birthday present, that you could possibly meet with him for a few hours one day and give him some points or tips for recording or if you could give him a tour of the studio where you record. That would be amazing and a real blessing!!! His name is Caleb Cabe you can look him up on Facebook. We live in Franklin, NC but we would be willing to drive wherever to meet you. also i will pay you for your time if you would like ๐Ÿ™‚ i have been praying for you and your ministry and hope God will continue to bless you and your family.

    -Hannah Cabe

  37. Holly Wade says:

    hi! I would love to see this happen and it’s worth a try even if it doesn’t, I’m a senior at northern guilford high school in Greensboro, NC and I along with a group of Christian leaders am creating an event called fields of faith which is a time for all of greensboro to come together to worship God, and have speakers and students share testimonies, we are expecting almost a thousand people and there would be many non believers there. it would be awesome to have these rappers to show how hype we can get for Jesus. It will take place on October fifth at my high school football stadium, if anyone could help please email me at holly@triad.rr.com ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Madison Repke says:

    Dear Lecrae,

    This might be a very weird request, but I am doing a speech of introduction in my public speaking class. We are to pick the person in our lives that we admire and think others would benefit from hearing. You’ve impacted my life to pursue God more and more. Whether it’s within your lyrics or simple words of encouragement. I’ve watched and heard the Lord just flow out of you, and It’s been a joy to see someone not just speak it but live it as well. Thank-you. The major portion of this project is to bring them in to class the day of your presentation. With the realization that your on tour and busy. I was hoping that I could get a 5 minute video from you. Just answering a couple questions.
    (such as)
    1. what are some unique things that you have done?
    2. Compelling stories that others would benefit from hearing?
    3. What advice you’d give to college kids?
    4 Why did you choose this profession?

    Thank-you for your time, and the impact that you have placed on my life and the lives of others through your talents and love for God.

  39. kameron holloway says:

    hey lecrae, i was wondering of i could use your song im turnt in my music video.
    i just wanted to know if you are ok with me using it. email me back at kambasketball14@outlook.com if you will let me use it.

  40. mo, cause of you guys now being a christian is a life style for us instead of a religion. you might not know Ethiopia or might not know that you had fans here but please please please consider it cause it would be an awesome blessing for us to have hold a concert here and im sure if u come uโ€™ll be blessed tooโ€ฆ. so please come. we love u

  41. Samuel Castaneda says:

    Aye this is Samuel here and I was wondering if I can rap with about Jesus culture I am a Gospel Rap check me out on YouTube and search H3V1N on YouTube and I wanna see what y’all think and here’s my number 832-352-5852 hit me up when y’all get a chance or text me this my actual number right here so you can contact me anytime I will be waiting I really wanna contact y’all back as a blessing or y’all can co ntact me as a blessing God bless I Love y’all In Jesus Name Amen hallelujah thank you so much

  42. Samuel Castaneda says:

    I was wondering if I can rap with about Jesus culture I am a Gospel Rap check me out on YouTube and search H3V1N on YouTube and I wanna see what y’all think and here’s my number 832-352-5852 hit me up when y’all get a chance or text me this my actual number right here so you can contact me anytime I will be waiting I really wanna contact y’all back as a blessing or y’all can co ntact me as a blessing God bless I Love y’all In Jesus Name Amen hallelujah thank you so much

  43. JohnJWinks says:

    This blog was… just how do i say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found a thing
    that helped me to. Many thanks!

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