You Have to Let Go
June 25, 2010 by
Filed under Around the Web
I once heard the story of a high trapeze artist who was asked, “What’s it like the first time you swing from a high trapeze to be caught in the air by your partner on the other trapeze?”
He answered, “Well, there are two things you need to know. One is you have to trust the other guy completely.” And then he said, “But probably the most difficult part is this, you have to let go before you can be caught.”
As I listened to his story I thought, “You know, there are a million different areas of life where we can trust God, and some of them are pretty scary.” And in every case, we have to trust God that he’ll be there to catch us and we’ll be safe in his arms. But first, we have to let go of what we are hanging on to before he can catch us. That’s real trust!
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