Saturday, February 22, 2025

VIDEO: The Ambassador speaks on his collab with Canton Jones and more

July 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Around the Web


Last night we held the third day of The Ambassador‘s 7-Day “Stop The Funeral”LIVE  Webinar and boy was it one to remember. Amba discussed at length his collab with Canton Jones on the song “Favor” from off of his upcoming July 12th release Stop The Funeral (pre-order it here), and in case you missed it we have the video for you.

In the video Amba provides great biblical support and reasoning for why believers should unify, especially if both recognize Jesus as their Lord and endeavor to please Him. He explains that it is many times our own pre-mature judgments and prejudices that have caused us to form incorrect opinions of others of a different doctrinal persuasion – and usually over secondary issues. He also talks about Canton Jones as a whole –  the person, the artist, and child of God. Lastly, you’ll hear him make reference to a recent write-up by Shai Linne, who has expressed that he doesn’t agree with The Ambassodor’s collaboration with Canton Jones, and even defends a recent collab of his very own with Giano. We’ve provided the full write-up below.

There’s a lot of great truth provided by Amba, and it is a blessing to hear. Thank God we decided to record it.  We have no doubt that it will be used to spark discussion, tear down walls of division within the Body of Christ, and bring glory to our Lord. Watch the video after the jump and let us know your thoughts.

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