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VIDEO: NAB gives his take on a controversial question in latest blog

June 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Around the Web


St. Louis native and producer NAB (FLAME, Phanatik, JR, Lecrae, Tedashii, Json, and more) recently posted a blog to his website and brought it to our attention. The question is asked “What are your thoughts about what’s been said on Twitter regarding Christians and engaging the culture?”

In his video blog he somewhat answers. How is evangelism of the lost achieved if no-one goes to where they are? The lost aren’t going to church, and most of the church doesn’t seemingly want to go to where the lost are. So what do we do? Engage them by giong to the clubs where they are? NAB says not exactly. He says we just need to be more creative. In what way? He didn’t really say, but we’re interested in hearing more. By the looks of it there may be additional parts to the video. 

Peep NAB’s video and entire blog post after the jump. What’s your take on it?

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