Saturday, February 22, 2025

VIDEO: Jason “Maji” Wilson of The Yuinon saving young men’s lives through The Cave of Adullum

May 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Around the Web


One of our main objectives at is to put you on to more ministry-oriented news that is taking place with those closely-connected to the genre. It seems most are down to do the music and put their talents on display, but very seldom do we get to see grass roots ministry (the stuff you usually don’t get recognition for). As I watched this video and heard the testimony at the end about how a young man named Anthony had his life turned around, I admittedly almost shed a tear and said to myself “this is what it’s all about right here.”

Jason “Maji” Wilson of The Yuinon founded the Cave of Adullam in 2008 after he realized that when young men are tested in key life principles of the bible, and challenged physically to apply them, the results are internalized. The Cave of Adullam is a faith and principle-based spiritual strengthening system focused around martial arts.  It’s mission is to create young warriors of God that are physically conscious and spiritually strong enough to navigate through the pressures of this world without succumbing to their emotions.  Watch this powerful video after the jump…

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