Saturday, February 22, 2025

Understanding Through Experience

October 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

My father was pretty healthy for most of his life. Then in his seventies, he went through a series of medical problems. At one point when the physician thought he was dying, I immediately flew to Florida to see him. By the time I arrived he was doing much better. As I sat with him he confessed to me that, although he was a pastor, he’d never really had much sympathy for sick people. But now, he explained, he finally understood their pain.

In other words, his experience opened his understanding in a way that observing others couldn’t. And so it is with the Bible. You can have a Ph.D. in Biblical studies and still not understand it. I’ve heard many people say that reading the Bible meant nothing to them until they had a personal encounter with Jesus. After that, they couldn’t get enough of the Bible!

Check out more at Faith Minute

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