Saturday, February 22, 2025

Unanswered Prayer

September 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

As part of research for a book, I asked people for their stories of unanswered prayers. The response was startling. I expected much more disappointment and disillusionment with God and with prayer. Certainly there was some of that, but many people reported that their faith had grown and that they trusted in God more as a result of unanswered prayer. It all came down to trust.

It reminded me of the experience of some missionaries who had struggled to find a word for “trust” in the language into which they were trying to translate the Bible. One day their native helper plopped down in exhaustion on a hammock, using a word that meant he was “putting all his weight” on that hammock – and that became their word for “trust.”

To trust God is to put all our weight on him, convinced that his love is greater than any hurt or disappointment that may tempt us to doubt him.

Check out more at Faith Minute

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