Saturday, February 22, 2025

Trip Lee “The Invasion (Hero)” music video feat. Jai (@rapzilla @triplee116 @justjai)

November 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Music Vids

Music video for the song “The Invasion (Hero)” feat. Jai, by Trip Lee. Directed by TK McKamy and Sho Baraka.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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27 Responses to “Trip Lee “The Invasion (Hero)” music video feat. Jai (@rapzilla @triplee116 @justjai)”
  1. XxDistracteDxX says:

    what is the symbol on them? is it something specific or just something they made up for the video?

  2. MrFlorisss95 says:

    Im curious what a non-christian thinks about this..

  3. thgolfnut says:

    im not sure what the video really means with lyrics can someone plz explain

  4. idmfilms says:

    @thgolfnut Presenting My Singles: “Who I Am” & “Love Is Gone” Check Me Out @ idmfilms….Tell Me What You Think / Subscribe If You Feeling Them. God Bless, Ecire

  5. idmfilms says:

    @MrFlorisss95 Presenting My Singles: “Who I Am” & “Love Is Gone” Check Me Out @ idmfilms….Tell Me What You Think / Subscribe If You Feeling Them. God Bless, Ecire

  6. bdisciple4 says:

    The song is about God the Father coming back for His followers.Trip was tod to write about believers and in the end found out what they believed in. That thing was Jesus and how He is a Hero, a Rescuer and Savior for those who believe in Him and follow Him. Trip in the end was marked as a Christian but didnt mind because Trip knew after hearing about God will now be going to heaven. Shout out to Reach Records from Young C.O.A. (Child Of Abraham) from the nickel nickel nine in Fresno, Ca

  7. stu21963 says:

    The Bar exact same Bar code is used by Nokia Ovi now ,,you use your Camera On your Cell to read the Barcode to be able to directly download the program or game … Notice how in the clip the guys gets picked up by the street cam ????? same technology..
    Obviously their getting us used to these barcodes for in the future we may have one to depict who we are ..Some may call it the mark of the Beast .. Hope this helps ..

  8. stu21963 says:

    @XxDistracteDxX The Bar exact same Bar code is used by Nokia Ovi now ,,you use your Camera On your Cell to read the Barcode to be able to directly download the program or game … Notice how in the clip the guys gets picked up by the street cam ????? same technology..
    Obviously their getting us used to these barcodes for in the future we may have one to depict who we are ..Some may call it the mark of the Beast .. Hope this helps ..

  9. jigsawKIDS says:

    i dont really understand the video but its a great song

  10. baracudo93 says:

    good song

  11. BostonBarnikle says:

    yall did you guys see the new american penny of 2010 dawg the New World Order has started !!!!!! smh dangggggg son!!!!

  12. greg0225 says:

    what is the meaning behind the video

  13. AlizeElizabeth says:

    Love it!!

  14. phillykoinonia31 says:

    @greg0225 Jesus Christ, the message of the Cross and His return.

  15. brokenandbella says:


  16. haterbasher4sho says:

    Oh my goodness! Jimmy Needham was in this video!

    And I totally agree with “vonnyblayzz” maybe he shoulld sepcify that in the video or something??

    The video itself was amazing though!

  17. linimo87 says:

    @greg0225 ru a believer? it is basically about how when we accept that Jesus Christ is who he said he was, and ask him to be the Savior he claimed to be for those who believe him/his message, our lives our changed by Gods great Love. then in place of all the wrong we have ever done, God intervening for us/our sin as Jesus dying on a cross, God sees what Christ did for us instead of our wrong, and we are signified/’marked’ as God’s own, apart from others who do not believe him.

  18. TREELST says:

    MAN I CANT ST0P LISTENING T0 DIS SONG!!! I ddnt gt it @ first, bt wen i kpt watchin dah vide0 i underst00d it perfectly!! =) AWSME vide0!!! and s0 l0ve the s0ng!!

  19. runotit says:

    @vonnyblayzz You haven’t heard of the mark or the seal of God? Rev 7:2, 9:4. It’s clear what Sho & Trip are trying to convey. No need for alarm, this is completely biblical. Remember, it’s Satan that’s always trying to mimic God, because he wants to be God. God has a seal or mark on his people, so Satan wants to have a seal or mark, not the other way around. We’ve heard so much about the mark of the beast, we’ve become paranoid and forget, no true christian can ever receive that mark. No worries

  20. runotit says:

    Sho Baraka is a really good actor! See how natural he is in front of the camera? He just has a knack for it. I first noticed this in the “Don’t waste your life” video with Lecrae. Anybody else agree with this?

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