Saturday, February 22, 2025

Trip Lee feat. Tedashii Bear With You

August 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Music Vids

What is the mindset of a believer? Literally torn between this life and the next, anxious to be completely free from this shell we call the flesh. In short, followers of Christ long for the return of our Savior so that we can forever bask in His presence and glory. Trip Lee brings his third solo project, Between Two Worlds, to the table with a biblical worldview of this world’s view while looking ahead to what awaits us in New Jerusalem.

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28 Responses to “Trip Lee feat. Tedashii Bear With You”
  1. LivinJust4Him says:

    GREAT SONG:D Keep it up TRIP!!

  2. oxisafox10 says:

    @YesuMashiaDisciple it is a reference to Romans 1:16. Basically, the 116 clique is the group of people who are unashamed of the gospel of Christ

  3. xolbor5999 says:

    What is the mindset of a believer? Literally torn between this life and the next, anxious to be completely free from this shell we call the flesh. In short, followers of Christ long for the return of our Savior so that we can forever bask in His presence and glory. Trip Lee brings his third solo project, Between Two Worlds, to the table with a biblical worldview of this world’s view while looking ahead to what awaits us in New Jerusalem.

  4. panthers55ify says:

    wow,amazing, it is astounding how jesus speaks through music and people, the most beautiful things come out of the ugliest, with jesus of course, the ugliest of ugly being us

  5. YesuMashiaDisciple says:

    Can anyone tell me what the “116 click” is? Is it referring to a verse?

  6. The1cog says:

    hot hot hot

  7. TrueDiligence says:

    Tedashii ripped the 3rd verse to pieces!!! Damn smooth!! This whole album is platinum son!!!!

  8. TweezyMan02 says:

    Love ti. People get under my skin all the time but this song is so true, gotta keep it humble and calm and give them the word =)

  9. belovedmuffy19 says:

    this is your callin..betta work it Trip lee..God bless

  10. Beats4HIM says:

    One of my favorites on Trips new album. Reach Records is doing it’s thang this year. Cant wait for Lecrae’s new album. Oh and please, could you people check out my new instrumental beat. I’m a christian producer and would really appreciate if you would check out my videos and give some feedback. Thanks, God Bless yall :)

  11. thereaintnothin says:

    Best song on album!

  12. LukeJLM says:

    click here for the latest in Urban Gospel Music in the U.K & U.S. Nice video by the way.

  13. LukeJLM says:

    <=== Go ahead, click on it

  14. 3all3r3 says:

    i made a christian rap. check it out please im only 13 and i need some advice ;P

  15. Apostle0928 says:

    Best Song On The Album!!

  16. iloveChrist4eternity says:

    remember to rate

  17. TheSchoolGryls007 says:

    Fav song 4ever !

  18. chutubeme says:


    if you love JESUS here this the end is near

  19. ishytsar says:

    tedashii goes hard on this one…
    it reminds me of his first album

  20. FlawLezzAD says:


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