Saturday, March 29, 2025

Trip Lee – Covenant Eyes (feat. PRo)

October 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Music Vids

Artist: Trip Lee ft. Pro song: Covenant eyes Album: B2W wheeee woooo (I can’t whistle) *not mine*

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26 Responses to “Trip Lee – Covenant Eyes (feat. PRo)”
  1. lashea27 says:

    i love this

  2. DigitalmcMark says:

    “And Jesus can’t save you life starts when the church ends” – excuse me J? freakin J’s a poser. Christians Stand up! Why’s this dude speakin theology anyway. Hip hop used to be a movement now its just propaganda dog. Wake up to true hip hip. Public enemy would be ashamed of this man, Pac would spit on him. It aint just theology either, hip hop aint about glorifying you, it’s about uplifting people. What happened. J’s nothin but a poser. Fact.

  3. Igoryok1990 says:

    Awesome–one of the best work you’ve done, brother!

  4. UnrealHelix says:

    @africanboybkman Good to hear that bro. Lets purify our hearts for the King!

  5. cynthiaph4 says:

    LOVE IT = ) <3 <3 <3 <3

  6. africanboybkman says:

    @UnrealHelix Crazy how i made this comment 2 months ago and how much work God has done. One by one he’s just destroying all the idols in my heart and life. Praise his grace and love.

  7. UnrealHelix says:

    POWERFUL lyrics for all us borthers in Christ…we struggling here, Jesus, help us Lord!

  8. UnrealHelix says:

    @1candoallth1ngs08 And for the POWERFUL Spirit who regenerates them!

  9. UnrealHelix says:

    @africanboybkman Eventually He will. as sure as the Spirit lives in you (if you are born again brother)

  10. nikewarrior24 says:

    Ugh……Lust. Awesome Track by Trip Lee & Pro. ( lol Pro always got me cracking up with his lyrics ever since his PSA mixtape and his album Redemption album. He has funny punchlines). Thank God for holy hip hop brothers and sisters, I’m telling you!

  11. yon7788 says:

    Every body need to listen to this song. if somebody say they don’t struggle with this area i’d be surprised. Satan is really fighting for ppls eyes but God is fighting harder. Christ up

  12. samanthajo111 says:

    dude my favorite song (:

  13. purposedrivenjc says:

    imma keep watchin what im watchin!!

  14. mzKrissy08 says:

    I keep playin this song over & over again… I can’t stop listenin to it. I <3 IT!!!

  15. jgtedford says:

    so awesome- i can not even comment

  16. HotSpanking says:

    Check out the video from “Jehu Riders – Starve Your Eyes” watch?v=UwN9MDQ1WiM

    The lyrics are so true!!!

  17. xSMJ316 says:

    This Track Is HOT !
    YOO . ! Go ->WATCH<- THE VIDEO " The Return of Satan, disguised. (PT. 1 of 4) "

  18. iesidne says:

    @arcsinprocurepkfp come on, try to buy this thing. If you can :) we need to support this people.

  19. 1candoallth1ngs08 says:

    i can definitely jig to this!!! ahahahahaah! Thanks God for Gospel Rappers!!

  20. JehuRiders says:

    Similar to my song/video entitled “Starve Your Eyes” ….God is definitely speaking to men of God to have pure eyes.

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