Saturday, February 22, 2025

Thoughts from Sudan- Returning Home

October 12, 2011 by  
Filed under News

Returning Home

The 8 a.m. breakfast call had me up at 6 a.m. getting my clothes together.  The generator in the village doesn’t kick on till 7:30 a.m., so with no electricity it was just me and my flashlight up and packing.

 I met the team for breakfast and had mixed emotions as I realized this was our last morning there.  I was excited to go home, but sad about leaving.  I sat reminiscing about our time there and especially yesterday. Yesterday’s festivities were amazing and will be a fond memory for a long time to come.  Plus killing a goat for dinner and eating it six hours later was a surreal moment– weird and cool at the same time.

We finished breakfast and headed up to the meeting hall for our final goodbyes and to load up the truck.  The day started so busy that I barely stopped to realize how beautiful the day was.  Besides that ungodly equator heat, it was a beautiful day!  Some of us took pictures with our team and loaded up to head out.  We got to the airport and waited for our tiny plane to land on the little dirt strip known as their runway.  It’s either a shock or a comfort to see the landing, depending on how you look at it. It speaks to the danger ahead or the security a plane can truly provide. All I can say is a dirt take-off has the potential to bring you closer to God. Faith of a mustard seed baby!

So we took off on our way to Entebe, Uganda with a journey ahead of us.  Four countries and three continents in two days for 1 group–amazing!  Not looking forward to the trip home, but I’ll be glad to see my family.  It’s amazing how loudly God can speak and how mightily you can see Him move when you are in a position of service, especially outside of your comfort zone.  The hospitality was amazing the entire week; however, without a renewed mind, the unfamiliar and uncommon can put you in a place of discomfort.  It drove me to humility. This was a Third World country where they showed the hospitality Mark 10:45 speaks of. I saw God move even in the times I was uncomfortable. I don’t do heat…and I forgot about it, at times, as I watched this mighty God of ours do His thing in the lives of men. Amazing!!!  And to experience this all with a brother like Lecrae was a blessing, and I was really excited we had this opportunity, especially before the 2010 tour.

And speaking of the tour…

This is the first tour I am going into with such excitement. I feel like God has been doing mighty things in the lives of all the guys, both personally and publicly, and I believe that will all be fleshed out on tour. But this trip for me specifically is a banging springboard into this fall.  So as God moves in our lives, we look to share that with everyone we can.  I anticipate this tour being one of the most exciting musically and potent biblically.  I dare not boast in us or declare something based on human effort alone, but I am confident that God will be glorified through all He has done with us throughout this year.  So I personally invite you to visit, find a city near you and get your tickets now!

Lastly, I praise God for the trip to Yei. It definitely did more in my life than most would expect, or I would have expected.  God is a gracious God to give me the opportunity to love on my brethren from across the world. You don’t know how large the world is, and how big our God truly is. He is doing mighty things all over the planet.  We often say that, but until this experience I had a truly limited view of God’s power.  I’ve been to Australia, England, Italy, Canada, the Polynesian Islands in the Pacific, and all over the U.S., but this trip to Sudan expanded my worldview even more.

To God be the glory for enlarging my view of His power and love for us all.

God bless


Reach Records –

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