Monday, February 24, 2025

The Real Meaning of Submissive

May 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

Most of us don’t want to be characterized as “submissive,” yet the Bible describes the person living according to God’s wisdom as being submissive. The word “submissive” literally means “open to reason or easily persuaded.” You may think that sounds like being a wimp – the kind of person who’s gullible and easily pressured and persuaded – but that’s really not what it’s saying. The submissive person truly listens to others’ points of view and has the inclination to agree rather than disagree.

Too often we automatically say “no” before listening to someone’s request. A submissive person doesn’t always go along with anything that’s suggested, but that person’s initial default is to try to say “yes.” Hearing the other person out and trying to go along whenever possible, is the way of God’s wisdom.

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One Response to “The Real Meaning of Submissive”
  1. AAL says:

    I am feelin this website. I like this posted topic. I’m in the point of my life that my relationship with Christ is so important… I shouldn’t even blink without thinking (or praying to) about Him. I have a heart for people. I have a heart for God. Sometimes God would give me visions that I don’t understand at times. I have to look towards other spiritual Christians that have the gift of interpreting dreams. I try to keep my relationship with God clear without hang-ups, it’s hard sometimes. Sometimes I feel that people misunderstand me or take what I say out of context. I like to listen to people and respond back. I might not know all the answers, but I know and love God Almighty. I might wrestle with carnality of my tongue, but I do care about people and mean well. I am grateful to release any emotions to Him, especially dealing with ‘people’. Being submissive is a beautiful thing. Being loving towards peeps is a beautiful thing. Sometimes you get hurt in the process of being interpersonal with another (that’s when ‘forgiveness’ comes into play). We’ll never fully understand a person inside and out (only Yahweh knows), but we can pour our love into one another. Having God’s love inside of you helps a person to value someone elses opinions (well at least for me). The Holy Spirit convicts His follower to not be prideful or closed-minded. That’s the beauty of having a relationship with Jesus because He helps you to overcome flesh. We might make mistakes unintentionally, but isn’t our Reedemer good? I am grateful to God because I do my best to respect others (even when others don’t want to respect me). I might get critical or speak strong when I think that something is ‘foul’. But, I try to speak with good intentions yielding change or releasing concerns. This world we live in is not a perfect world. We are not perfect people. But we strive to live that pure, wholesome, unashamed, loving, faith-building Christian life. And everyday is a new teaching lesson lead by the Teacher (Jesus, of course).
    God bless! Shalom!

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