Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Power of the Anointing

July 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Guest speaker at our church on Sunday was Dr. Dufresne. His message in summary was on the anointing of God. Something I received in that sermon was how important it is to be around the right people. The crowed you spend time with has influence on you whether you like it or not. As much as I would like to be the missionary around some of my friends, the truth is they can bring me down faster than I can bring them up. Dr Dufresne had an incredible anointing on his body on Sunday, and I am glad I got a piece of it. It is truly amazing that the same power that was on Elisha’s bones in 2 kings 13:21…the power to raise the dead! I don’t know about you but I am sure glad God is on my side! Amen

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2 Responses to “The Power of the Anointing”
  1. Trey Dillon says:

    Oh and I loved the concert. I’m a photographer part time so I had to grab some shots. I was the white boy that jumped on stage with Flame haha. That was fun. I would love to hear from you guys. And meet with you guys about what you do. I want to perform and bring Jesus to this generation. And was challenge by you guys. It was an awesome example.

  2. Trey Dillon says:

    At this link I posted some hot pictures of you boys doing your thang in Dallas. I choreograph lots of stuff to your songs. And would love to meet you guys. All that aside though. Let me know if your interested in these pictures. We could possibly give you permission to use them.

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