Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tedashii’s thoughts from Sudan

February 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Around the Web

Yesterday, we shared Lecrae’s thoughts on the mission he and others are taking part in while in Sudan.  Today, we bring you Tedashii’s reflections on Sudan as he is being challenged and moved by what he has encountered in the first two days.

We woke this morning to the sound of silence. A great feeling and something those back home may never experience. 

Kept warm by the subtle heat felt throughout the night and mosquito-free thanks to my trusty neon green mosquito net, I had some of the best sleep I’ve had in a long time.

I woke up with my family on my mind and prayed for them, wishing we could talk for a brief moment, yet trusting all was well back home.  My quiet time was interrupted by the commotion from outside my window. I got up to check out the scene only to realize my teammate had a large lizard in his room and was trying to get rid of it.  We see this at home a little, but everyday here…

...After over an hour, we arrived at the orphanage. We turned into the area where the kids lived, and we were greeted with their beautiful voices welcoming us in song–such a sweet gesture. It never gets old. We could see the excitement, anxiety, and sheer curiosity on their faces as we pulled in.  We got out the car, and it was amazing to see the kids marching alongside us walking us into the meetinghouse where we would introduce ourselves to them. What an amazing scene! 

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Please keep Tedashii, Lecrae, the team, and Sudan in your prayers.

Check back tomorrow for Lecrae’s reflections on their time in Sudan. 

Reach Records –

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