Sunday, March 30, 2025

Tedashii Preview on Reach App

August 29, 2011 by  
Filed under News

Attention all Reach Record Phone App users!  Check your apps TODAY for a exclusive preview of Tedashii’s new single “Riot” from his upcoming album Blacklight. Get the single on iTunes on Tuesday May 3rd or you can get it as a free download when you pre-order Blacklight! 

If you haven’t downloaded the Reach Records phone app, download it today and get connected! 

Since it’s launch, the Reach Records phone App has allowed users to stay up-to-date on all Reach Records news, access music from Reach artists, and engage in community with other unashamed believers.  

The app is available for both the iPhone and Droid.

To download the iPhone app click here

To download the Android app click here



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3 Responses to “Tedashii Preview on Reach App”
  1. cialis sales says:

    Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove

  2. Naser says:

    Holy shinzit, this is so cool thank you.

  3. Roger says:

    Just blindly fololwing someone for the sake of it. Just want to get up and dance to it, that’s retarded and just music, not a song. Lady Gaga and her songs are products, weird fucked up products not suitable for human consumption.

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