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Tedashii Blog-Where’s the good in goodbye?

August 22, 2011 by  
Filed under News

Someone once asked the question, “Where’s the good in goodbye?”

 It is difficult to say goodbye, especially to a beloved family member, and even more so when there is a level of uncertainty as to wether or not you will see each other again.

 As a child growing up I never liked saying goodbye. It meant I or they had to go.  It never made sense to me. If the time spent together is so enjoyable and you like me and I like you, then why leave? I asked that question to my relatives, my dad at the time, and also friends. Even as an adult I’ve asked the same questions. I knew people had jobs, families of their own, or even other responsibilities but saying goodbye was just not an enjoyable thing. Two of my relatives were in the military, so I felt the sorrow of watching a loved one go back overseas not knowing if and when they would be back.

 So why leave? Why can’t you stay?

 I’m reminded of Christ’s disciples who, when made aware of Jesus’ soon departure, rejected the idea of Christ leaving. They did not want to see him go.  Let’s look at John 14:25-28. It says, 

25 “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you.

26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

28 You heard me say to you, ‘I am going away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.

 I mean, this is Jesus we are talking about.  The Messiah, whom they let everything go for and followed.

The one they learned from daily, ate meals with, served with, prayed with, and maybe even cried with. When you do life with someone that intensely for that long it’s never easy to say goodbye. I can imagine as hard as it was for me to say goodbye to family, for them it was even harder.

 However, the unique difference between his goodbye and my goodbye is he had an eternal perspective.

 Christ had the unique worldview of living with the end in mind. That is why he could continue on in the face of death. That’s why he could teach of his leaving, because he always kept the end goal in view. Not only that but for the wearied and saddened hearts of those that loved him he promised a comforter. So there is great distinction between Christ’s goodbye and mine. His is with eternity in perspective and with a comforter whom he sent and is comforting even as we say to our loved ones, goodbye.

 Also, one huge aspect of living with the end in mind, for Christians, is we know we will all meet again. He gives us an assurance of hope in the heavens, the eternal, that we will be with each other again. This very promise is sealed with the Holy Spirit to assure our hearts with the comfort of our eternity with Him. So for us our goodbye doesn’t have to be our last goodbye.

 I’ve watched relatives go to war and not come home and I’ve seem friends go into battle to not return. But I know, because of a faith in Christ, we will see one another again. My goodbye is not the last one to them but rather a, “Till we meet again”.

 Christ tells us in 1 Thessalonians 4 that those in Him have a hope and how those whom we lost we will meet again. What a great comfort to my soul!

 So living with the end in mind is to take hold of and to never let go of hope. An eternal perspective of life based on his promises to us in him.

 So I ask, where is the “good” in goodbye? It’s in Him. It’s in faith that by His power we will meet again.

 So, let us all live with the end in mind full of hope, knowing this does not need to be our last goodbye.

 And to all our armed forces I say thank you! Thank you for your service.

 Also, to the families of our fallen who paid the ultimate sacrifice, thank you as well. We are able to continue on doing what we do because of you. I am grateful! Know that this video and my heart are to show appreciation, share my own personal gratitude, and to make aware the difficulties many face in this way of service.  

 Respectfully I share my heart and art in the hope we will have just that, hope.

 Again, thank you.



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