Sunday, February 23, 2025

Spreading the Gospel

April 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Fan Mail

I would like to take this opportunity to shine light on a valuable idea for spreading the gospel. I myself love the writings I find posted here and on the reach records website (YOU SHOULD REALLY CHECK THEM OUT IF YOU HAVN’T YET) they’re written by 116 Clique artist such as Lecrae, Trip, and Sho just to name a few, they offer some good insight into daily life as we all grow and in taking up our cross. Ok so you yourself read it, find it helpful and really liked it, but don’t stop there. Those uplifting or helpful words that you just read- Share them with someone else.- Ex. I am in high school and I know some people who may I may not even be “friends” with but I know they are thirsting to grow, need encouragement to not conform to the ways of this world but to keep the flavor and let their light shine – Matthew 5:13-16, or even to people who haven’t accepted Christ into their lives but will listen to what I have to share with them –The Gospel. So no matter who it may be or where they are in their walk in Christ, spread the good news-whether in high school, at your job, where ever .The next time you find an article or blog you like SHARE IT- even if it’s only with one person. Also depending on who it may be become better friends with them, fellowship with them, teach them, grow with them, learn from them, what ever it may be in your situation. Besides wouldn’t you rather have fellow brothers or sisters in Christ as your closest friends or people you associate with most often, rather than people who have no interest in living for Christ and travel the road that leads to destruction-2 Corinthians 6:15 Matthew 7: 13. I hope you find this piece of advise useful as you continue in your walk in Christ- Peace -Call it urban missionary (This’l) but the Great Commission ya’ll -Romans 1: 16 Don’t be ashamed
Submitted by N. Toran

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One Response to “Spreading the Gospel”
  1. Dream588 says:

    Nt-Thank you for taking the time out to share this helpful information. I will be sure to check out the writings daily to help strength my walk with Crist. And to help others pursue their walk as well.Your article gave me the push that I need to go deeper and learn more about the gospel.

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