Monday, February 24, 2025

Savor the Moment

May 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

If I were asked to sum up advice to new parents in three words or less, I would say, “Savor the moment.” Remember not to take for granted the joy of cradling that little baby in your arms – even if it’s the middle of the night! Take delight in those first toddling steps. Give priority to attending your child’s games and events. Count these moments as gifts from God to be savored.

Susanna Wesley, an eighteenth century mother, had nineteen children. One of her biographers tells that she made it a point to spend one hour each week alone with each of her children. What an overwhelming task that must have been with all the demands placed upon her by such a huge family. But Susanna Wesley understood the priority of investing in and delighting in her children. She savored the moment!

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