Saturday, February 22, 2025

Reaching college students

February 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Around the Web

For the past several days, our artists have been serving at three of the biggest young-adult/college events. 

Sho Baraka co-hosted Impact ‘10: The Comeback here in Atlanta, GA and was also joined by Trip Lee and DJ Official for a concert on December 28 at the weeklong event.  The Impact Conference is a biennial event–sponsored by the Impact Movement–that services over 1,000 high school students, college students, marketplace and vocational professionals. Conferees are challenged by keynote messages, given practical instruction in issue-related seminars, and they participate in a Day of Outreach throughout Atlanta and its surrounding cities.

Tedashii was the featured artist for the New Years Conference sponsored by Campus Outreach in Nashville, TN.  The NYC attracts over 1,500 students for a week of fun, learning and teaching about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and how to grow in your relationship with Him.

Earlier this week in Atlanta, Lecrae did a late night concert and main stage with Chris Tomlin and the David Crowder Band to crowds between 10-12 thousand people at Passion 2011.  The Passion Conference brings 20,000+ students and leaders from around the globe together to be inspired to make Jesus famous and serve as reflection of His love and mercy among the poor.

We want to thank you for supporting our artists at the different events, as we are fortunate to be able to partner with ministries like those who want to make Christ known throughout the world.  For more information about the different ministries, click on the organization names.  Also, be sure to check out our events page to see when an artist is coming to a city near you.

Reach Records –

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  1. [...] 28 at the weeklong event.  The Impact Conference is a biennial event–sponsored by [...] Christian Rap/Hip Hop news, events, and lyrics ft. Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii, Flame and more! Posted by Admin | Categories: Christian Hip Hop | Tagged: college, Reaching, students | [...]

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