Saturday, February 22, 2025

Money or Reference – Paid for

May 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Fan Mail, Testimonials

I begin today discussing Jesus. It has occurred to me that we believe God exist and Jesus died for our sins but we do not follow what Jesus as told us. Let me break it down for you. When we are young and are working at a temporary job we will do whatever our boss says. But why? we do it for a few reasons one is because we know that this boss will be our reference when we try to get the job we really want. So we know that as long as we do what our boss says and we do it with a smile on our face never questioning our boss then years down the line we will not hesitate to put them down as a reference because we did everything we was told. This life is our temporary job! The real life we want is in heaven. Jesus is our boss who will refer us to God. Only way to get to the father is through the son. So we must accept Jesus as our lord and savior believe he died for us on the cross and live within Christ. I hear what most people our saying ” Well I am content at the job I am at” so you work at a job where your boss tells you to scrub the bathroom all day or they tell you to throw out the trash all day and you do it because you know at the end of the day your getting paid to do every single work you do. So most people do not follow Jesus because he does not offer money and some claim God does not want us to have money. But God is offering something way better than money “Eternal life”. We believe that Jesus died for us all that cross and we have eternal life. Continue to live for all things in Christ and not in the world. So remember that next time your boss ask you to do something and you do it because of either money or reference apply that same attitude to Jesus and serving our lord and savior. God Bless He paid for it already I believe in God. I believe Jesus died for my sins and through him i will have eternal life. There are people who misuse the term died for my sins. There are people who are 20 25 30 years old and follow Christ but are living wrong. For example, ( and i use this example because it hits home to a lot of people ) sex. There are people who follow Christ and have sex. There response is “its ok Jesus paid for my sins so I am covered”. There is no way you can live a life in Christ and read your bible and not run into a passage or have conviction for having sex. This is what we do with everything we do. We sin and think nothing of it anymore. We feel he covered us so lets run wild and that’s where we are wrong. When we are children our parents our legally responsible for us. As a child we know we can vandalize a building, steal a snickers, break a window and our parents will pay for all the damage. So because our parents got us covered why don’t we do that stuff as children because we know better. Just because they are responsible for us we know better than to do anything wrong. This should be the same for Christ knowing he paid for our sins will only hurt him if we sit up here and continue to sin. Jesus took an amount of punishment to which no man can bare except Jesus. He was thinking of us when he was nailed to the cross he knew we were not going to be perfect so he died for us and was risen on the third day. So how do you think he feels when he sees us sinning? How would you feel if someone you love needed money to pay for their house because they could not afford it and you gave up your hard earn savings to help them out and they turn around a buy luxury items? You would be heartbroken because of all you did. What if you always spoke up for a person viewed wrong in everyone else eyes and they let you down? Jesus paid for our sins correct? So lets not sin ! God Bless

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One Response to “Money or Reference – Paid for”
  1. kazmanblack says:

    That is so true, so often there are so many people who claim to be Christians but have no regard for sin what so ever and believe that just by saying a few words saves them from eternal fire but if you don’t walk it out that shoes that He is not really in your heart thus you never truly did or do believe..else they would be trying to live their lives for Him. Im not saying be perfect b/c we all know only Jesus is im talking about the people who have no regard for their constant sinning and will label them selves as a Christian.

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