Monday, February 24, 2025

Medicine that Lasts Forever

April 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

Medical treatments such as blood transfusions, pain killers, insulin or anti-depressants can bring immediate physical improvement. But unfortunately, the benefit is temporary. Sooner or later they wear off and must be repeated or the patient suffers again or even dies.

But what if we could take a pill that would last forever? That’s what the truth of God does. It is medicine for the spirit. The truth of God gets into our heads and hearts and changes everything. It gives us new priorities. We have a peace that calms us down. We have a hope that keeps us going. We have a purpose that keeps us focused.

The medicine of God’s truth is not temporary—it lasts forever. It not only changes and improves our lives the first time we take it, but it keeps on working in our souls for the rest of our lives. 

Check out more at Faith Minute

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