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Lecrae’s 2010 Album Cover and Name Revealed!!!

August 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Music Vids

It’s coming soon, world. Song from ‘After The Music Stops’

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19 Responses to “Lecrae’s 2010 Album Cover and Name Revealed!!!”
  1. FLINY K says:

    ITS so saden that some of you young guys are thinking of lecrea competing with this uNGODLY guy preas guy undrstand that he is doing it for me and you,he is balancing unequasion for us when they are leacienig to there new thing even us we sarpose to leasein to somthing new pliz.

  2. Tricia says:

    Hahahahaahahahaha.. I find it soooo funny that people are thinking that Lecrae is tryna compete with Kanye or Jeezy etc. That is hilarious.. like really! He knows his audience.. and he knows his God.. I would pick his album over absolutely everybody’s!!… And anyway.. making money is not the first thing on his mind! LOL..

  3. SeekJAH says:

    TO GOD BE THE GLORY………can’t wait to hear ur heart from HIS word. wish u GOD’S blessings fam. grace n peace. 1:1:SIX forever.

  4. joshdo7 says:

    I can’t wait till the album comes out!!

  5. MrTruthSeeka says:

    @Chedder806 hmm true thats not stupid after all.

  6. Chedder806 says:

    @MrTruthSeeka you know why de do that is because when ppl look on itunes for der new albume lecraes show up dats why trip lee droped his when drake did

  7. MrTruthSeeka says:

    @DRoyul yeah, I understand your point but I think for a commercial and evangelistic view, it is better to an album not at the same time as this secular artist because all the media are focus on them… and it gives less importance at Lecrae who I think needs to be heard from others… anyway that’s what I think maby I’m wrong we will see how it goes…

  8. DRoyul says:

    @MrTruthSeeka don’t you think that he is releasing his album the same time as these guys to give the world music WORTH listening to. Jeezy and Ross have no type of Chrsit in their music, and since we are supposed to meditate on the word of God, and since we know Lecrae puts the word in his songs, it will always be a better choice to buy lecrae than any of them. The world may not know this, but those in the kingdom of God should support our brothers and sisters, na mean?

  9. holyghostGURL9 says:

    LECRAE IS FINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL , i’m sorry but i LOVE good looking christian brother! there’s no religious-ness in THAT. sorry , just saying =)

  10. Altermax777 says:

    @Geezeimhungry your welcome

  11. Geezeimhungry says:

    Thanks for sharing :)

  12. zerostancehydra says:

    Respond to this video…
    Lecrae go hard he changing ppl life wth his music real talk

  13. Yaats4Life87 says:

    Everyone, what’s good? The name’s Yaats and i am a gospel rap artist new to youtube! If you love GOD and love good music, please come check me out…Listen, subscribe and leave your comments/love…Peace!


  14. cwade12c says:

    I’d get Lecrae over Jeeze, T.I., and Kanye anyways.

  15. ButterlySmuckers says:

    @MrTruthSeeka i think thinking about what date to dorp somthing is already lame to me..make the whole album a hit than decide when to drop it, not the other way around..

  16. MrTruthSeeka says:

    @Altermax777 I personally think that this month is good ofcourse their is Yougn Jeeze and Rick Ross but right now I havent heard too much about their new stuff so … or I think november would be nice too
    , anyway 116 clique really need to pay more attention to this stuff

  17. MrTruthSeeka says:

    @Altermax777 yeah, I don’t know if Lecrae is aware about this because it is really not a good time .. oh and kanye west’s album is puch to october .. but I found out about 50 cent a new album for him too no date yet but he said in an interview that he set him-self a goal to finish it for the end of this summer and would realease it shortly after…

  18. Altermax777 says:

    @MrTruthSeeka Ugh. That’s annoying, huh? September is a pretty universal month for completing projects for some reason..

  19. MrTruthSeeka says:

    Yougn Jeeze, T.I , Kanye West are all getting their album in september! :(

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