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Lecrae – Death Story Music Video

December 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Music Vids

Unofficial and amateur dramatized music video for Lecrae’s rap “Death Story.” Subtitled in French.

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26 Responses to “Lecrae – Death Story Music Video”
  1. N0valyf3 says:

    why is the guy at 1:45 smiling like everything is funny?

  2. tiashauntee says:

    I like this song because it gives a close interpretation of what goes through the mind of one that does not God when they are faced with a scary situation.
    As Christians we should embrace them just as Christ loved the sinner and not judge them and turn our backs on them….that is not Christ-like.

  3. setfreecrow says:

    thats way deep, God Bless Lecrae keep this saint up your prayers always, he’s on that frontline in a way we all hope to b in someday

  4. LorenaRubi1 says:

    hey im just here to say dis song is good and so is God so dont put God on the side but put him in front of every thing

  5. LorenaRubi1 says:

    hey dogs wat up its me again God bless all my peeps out there cause God is good

  6. cootoo2 says:

    this guy helped me find my way back to Christ, hes gotta be lead by the Lord!

  7. vicktotall says:

    this is a great song

  8. jardinrecordsinc says:

    mah this song gives me goose bumps every time!! It reminds me of when my Grandpa died, he did the same thing, excepted Christ in his last minute

  9. normitaof09 says:

    this was pretty good. i actually wrote a play and we acted it out (in spanish) and i think it came out pretty good (=

    it touched several people…got tears rollin down their cheeks…
    good song overall

  10. RocketTech9 says:

    Never know till the end

  11. bigdean8795 says:

    keep on spreedin da word,

  12. kingdesigns1 says:

    thanks a lot, ur a life saver :)

  13. dontGoogleIt says:

    Do You Know by TobyMac

  14. B2kcookies says:

    Let’s tell them tha Great News before they just might be on they death bed… it might be too late!!


    PUHLEAZZE check out Lecrae’s DWYL vid on my page..

  15. kingdesigns1 says:

    wat is the name of the song at the end

  16. RocketTech9 says:

    Lecrae is the best!

  17. hottjosh says:

    check my new track SHININ
    lveee comment :) God bless

  18. optimuslime49 says:

    on my profile i posted a few videos of christian rappers VS secular rappers of similar styles to show that christian rap can really compete! check it out if you want
    the videos have lecrae, trip lee, flame, cross movement, and tedashii

  19. williss42 says:

    at first i didnt he wuld die.i though god wuld give him another chance

  20. Ms9ja96 says:

    sad, but its da truth

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