Saturday, February 22, 2025

Kobe Bryant On’em- Sho Baraka: Photo Clip Montage (Lyrics Included)

February 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Music Vids

Video compilation of images to compilment Sho Baraka’s song, Kobe Bryant On’em, off his free mix tape, “Barakology: Why So Serious?” This song is not meant to glorify a man, but use the recognizable subject of this man’s giftings in correlation to our ability to dominate and triumph over any adversary, by Christ Jesus. Chorus: Opposition in my face Tryinna play defense Im bigga than this dude That dont make no sense I Kobe Bryant onem x4 Verse 1: Opposition in my face. Yeah, I Kobe Bryant onem. Body slam my flesh. Andre the Giant onem. When life throws you curve ball like Nolan Ryan onem. Dont give up in the field. Detroit Lions onem. When His foes gave Christ the cross, He wasnt dyin onem. But He still extends love to those who would be lyin on him Got offer my service. Yeah ya boy wilin onem. Thats why I pack punch with my lyrics. Yeah Im stylin onem. Sin and lust no laughin matter. No joke onem. Thats why I run from temptation. Usain Bolt onem But there I go celebratin before the finish line. I find myself repentin again for my pride. Got that 4×4 community. Past the sticks onem. I hope I can depend on my dogs. Mike Vick onem. I wanna be free from slavery. Kunta Kente onem. And just please the Master. Danielson and the Sensei onem. Chorus x2 Verse 2: Im unashamed of the Gospel. 1-1-6 onem. Chosen to be in His presence. VIP list onem. My God is something like Kobe. Crazy and amazing onem Yours is always hurt. Tracy McGrady onem When temptation comes my way, I Cuba Good

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