Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Its Time To Overdose on Overdose

January 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Blog, Featured

After much anticipation, Lecrae’s Overdose album is finally here. And after hearing it several times through, I must say God has blessed him with amazing talent. My first favorite track is a tie between Anger Management ft Thi’sl and Chase That ft. Ambition. I am sure this list of favorites will grow as I take more time to listen to this album through many more times. If you have listened to this album, give your favorites in the comment box below. Regardless of your favorites, this is definitely worth purchasing. You can get it on itunes or Amazon now.

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7 Responses to “Its Time To Overdose on Overdose”
  1. Matthew says:

    God Bless Lecrae! Its so awesome that Lecrae is preaching the word through rap!! I have almost every song of his on my iPod! Your Awesome Lecrae!!!!!! P.S. I luv Battle Song!

  2. Matthew says:

    God bless Lecrae! Its so awesome that Lecrae speaks the word through rap. I have almost every song of Lecrae’s on my iPod! Your awesome! P.S. I love Battle Song!!!!!!

  3. Candra says:

    Man…I have been anticipating the next album! Been bumping Rebel, After the Music Stops, and Real Talk over and over, thinking…”I can’t wait for his next one.” So excited. About to cop it in a few! Continue to speak the truth bro!

  4. Nick says:

    Picked it up at Family Christian on Tuesday. Wife and I love it man! Keep the great albums coming!!

  5. Eliab says:

    Maaaan…creezy just keeps getting better and better…there is no way someone could possibly be so talented without divine inspiration. chase that is BUMPIIIIN’

  6. nick says:

    NEW Lecrae Overdose TYpography Video!!!

  7. Nicholas Andrew hansen says:

    Lecrae!!! This is a pretty sweet album. Prob the best yet. I wish I could just talk to you in person but your a busy man. Go get em! Ya and I am basically the one people go to.. They say nick.. Make me a cd! And that’s my non profit business haha. But it’s like my identity. I am struggling finding my path tho but thanks for the music.
    – peace
    …. You should have a cd called the re dedication. Like people that redecorate to a rehab facility. Or the exfoliation! Haha keep at it

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