Saturday, March 1, 2025

In Ya Hood Cypha Remix

June 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Music Vids

I had heard Christian rap from the east coast that I thought was tight, I had heard Christia rap from the west coast that I thought was tight, but not until I picked up the 116 Clique Compilation Album did I hear something from the “holy south” that truly intrigued me. From the moment I popped the cd in my car for the first time on my way to pick up a meal from Taco Bell I know these peeps had something goin! This song is from Tedashii’s album Kingdom People.

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  1. [...] I hear something from the “holy south” that truly intrigued me. From the moment I [...] Christian Rap/Hip Hop news, events, and lyrics ft. Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii, Flame and more! Posted by Admin | Categories: Christian Hip Hop | Tagged: Cypha, Hood, Remix | Enjoyed [...]

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