Saturday, February 22, 2025


March 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Testimonials

Although people around me called me Holy, I was such a rotten sinner on the inside. the biggest challenge i found was forgiving myself. using my carnal mind, i could always create ways of avenging my own sin. For exmaple; i could go hungry for a long while (not fasting), stay in the cold, isolate myself, punch hard surfaces etc. i knew that the Bible says that vegeance is for the Lord but the devil made sure that i felt guilty and think that without doing a thing, God could not forgive me. i reached an extent where by i could not even go to church cause every time they sang a song saying ‘we lift up holy hands’ the guilt hit me hard. i went for a new life class which i used to despise because i was saved for quite a while. God used one of my teachers to hit at me about avenging my own sin. from that day, i learnt that one should not take the gospel for granted no matter how basic it looks in certain aspects. people who have been born again for so many years tend to undermind certain basic bibilical principles. I encourage you to keep your head up no matter how many times you fall. there is a difference between living in sin and falling into sin. we all fall into sin, that is ok, but we should not live in sin.

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3 Responses to “GUILT”
  1. Jennytoman says:

    Hi trip lee I hope stay up god love me I can’t wait meet you

  2. Tara Perkins says:

    Hi Lacrae,

    My husband and I went to St Marc, Haiti to YWAM base for a short term mission Novemeber 2012. I first heard of you there when some of the youth did a dance to one of your songs and I thought WOW this guy is soooo clever, talented, and amazing! I watched all your videos and now we have down loaded many of your songs off of I tunes.
    Haiti was a life changing experience! While we were there we went to the local prison, helped some Docs treat orphans at Maranatha Orphanage, and went to couple of villages in an area called section 5, Timonette, Lubin and etc. I loved the Haitian people especially the sweet kids! They have nothing yet they are happy. I have not been able to get Haiti and the people I met out of mind. Our mission group meets once in while to think of ways to raise money. So far we had a garage sale and raised $2100 in a day and 1/2 selling lots of little items. We sent pastor Bo who heads up the village of Lubin $1600 to finish a building project and the rest to a couple Haitian guys doing ministry. We want to help raise money to provide clean drinking water, uniforms for the kids, and feeding program so the kids don’t go hungry. Also, the medical conditions are so bad a lot people having stomach problems from the drinking water plus Malaria and other diseases from misquitoes. I know you are going to be in the NW for the Creation Fest and I was wondering if you could do an outdoor concert at our church to raise money for Haiti (our church is only 20 minutes away on the way to the airport). I know this is a big request, but I thought I would ask because you did the “Far Away” song especially for Haiti! Also may be a way to get your music out to more people. I would open this concert up to public not just church members If you are busy or don’t do this sort of thing no worries! Keep blessing people with your music! Praying for you and blessing! Tara

  3. Hey my testimony is on this website and it is too long to post here but I would love for you to read it (anybody) and the testimony about how we try to avenge our sin was very convicting, thank you for that.

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