Saturday, February 22, 2025

Grab My Hand

September 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

Imagine what it would be like to fall off a ship and be drowning in the ocean. Someone calls the Coast Guard and they send a rescue helicopter. You can hear the beating sound get closer and closer until the helicopter is directly overhead. As you frantically tread water, you see a line drop and a diver is lowered to within a few feet of you. He reaches down to you and says, “Grab my hand.” Do you hesitate and wonder if he’s got the proper credentials for ocean rescues?

You don’t know, but there’s no time to find out. You have to make an instant judgment. If you believe and trust the diver, then you reach up and you grab his hand and are lifted to safety.

That’s what faith is. Faith is grabbing the hand of God. Faith is taking him at his word and trusting him. And it’s the only way to be saved.

Check out more at Faith Minute

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