Saturday, March 29, 2025

God Is Always There For Us

April 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Fan Mail

When I first heard Lecrae’s song Go Hard I felt more than major conviction. I felt fear. Am I really spreading the gospel, have I become ashamed of the very words that lead me to God? Have I been forsaking my savior? Am I not a Christian anymore? I went through a phase where I feared that if I didn’t speak about God then I was going to hell. That God would leave me if I didn’t and that I would no longer be his child. I listened to the lies the devil feed me, believing that I had to DO good things in order to gain back my salvation and maintain my salvation. Surprising right? Well, I’ll give you a background of how my mind works, I’m an introvert, I find my strength when I’m by myself but over the years of living in sin this has turned to me being afraid of people . I was afraid of talking to strangers, friends and family members at times. However Praise God for sending me godly people to help me through this trial, sadly I held onto my own understandings assuming that it would be a sin to ask people for help. I would cry out pleading for strength to spread the gospel while at the same time hating myself for not being like other Christians who were passionate and bold when talking about God. My mind was constantly traced on evangelism and performing good works that my light began to dimmer by my fears. Reading his word only left me feeling condemned, and without hope. I would force myself to talk about God but there was no love behind it. My gracious Father saw my troubled heart. He swooped in and saved me from the disaster I made of myself. He told me that He would never ever leave me nor forsake me; that I was his child and belonged with him in heaven. He said I cannot DO anything to gain back my salvation but that I had it all along not because I did good things but because he loved me while I was and am a sinner. Finally I let go and let God. In return he gave me love, hope, happiness and peace again. I felt free like how I felt when he first met me. My light was shining through the darkness. Right after that a miracle happened, I gave away biblical book to a stranger, I even smiled at people on the street that I’ve never seen before and for the first time in my life I said hello to my next door neighbour willingly! And through it all I felt no condemnation or force to do it, because I did it out of love it was easy. (I know these actions seem small but it was a major growing event that happened in my walk with God.) I realize that people who spread Gods word do it out of love and not fear. I know now that I could share my light as easy as saying hello to a neighbour or helping a friend in need. I learn to show my love for God not only in words but in actions! Its as easy as washing the dishes or buying a friend a gift. It’s easy to talk to people about God now. Though there is much more for me to do he will help me. I’m fortunate because I could not have done it without God. For those of you who want to spread the gospel but don’t know how. Fist off congratulations God has blessed you with the desire to do so. Second pray ask God for help to share him more with others and for his timing and knowledge to do so. Third read his word. Last do not be afraid, do not compare yourself with other Christians around you and feel bad about yourself, turn to God. He will strengthen you and help you. “But you, O Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend, I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” –Isaiah 41: 8-10

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2 Responses to “God Is Always There For Us”
  1. Tamilah K says:

    It’s very rare to see a young, effective minister of the gospel with the ability to relate to Christian believers at nearly every phase in their faith. Not only that, Lecrae is very intelligent, sincere and is able to hold down a family while maintaining a wonderful career in music. I applaud you. “Go Hard” is my ringtone and my battle cry – thanks for letting God use you. Powerful Ministry! Be Encouraged!

  2. MandelaD says:

    It’s amazing how the word of God can change your life, it’s amazing how a man can change when he comes into Jesus. I used to be a secular rapper rapping about the money/girls/fame etc. until i got convicted. When i gave my life to Christ, my mind was renewed bigtime. I had a zion-zeal like no other and Lecrae was one of the few artists i listened to. That track “Don’t Waste Your Life” and “Rebel” convicted me….Now i go full force for the gospel. Romans1:16. Check out my site, nothing but Good news

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