Sunday, February 23, 2025

Forgive Like Gladys

August 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

In a small village in India, a missionary doctor and his two sons stopped to rest in their Jeep. While they slept, an anti-Christian mob surrounded the Jeep, stuffed straw underneath the car and through the windows, then set it on fire. They stood by watching as Dr. Graham Staines and his two young sons burned to death. His wife Gladys and a third son were left. Do you know how she dealt with her loss? She stayed on in the village caring for leprosy patients. She told the New York Times that although she was filled with sadness, she would forgive whoever did this.

Jesus taught forgiveness, but few of us will ever have as much to forgive as this woman did. If Jesus can help Gladys Staines forgive so much, surely he can help us to forgive as well.

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