Saturday, March 29, 2025

Flame ft. Lecrae and John Reilly – Joyful Noise LYRICS

November 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Music Vids

Joyful Noise by Flame ft. Lecrae and John Reilly from Flame’s cd Our World Redeemed with additional commentary by Flame at the end. Lyrics are… You know what it is I love it Let’s talk about it VERSE Your boy’s been a Christian, quite a few years/Victory and faith, but I failed in my fears/I heard a lot of words that have tickled many ears/That’s why I praise God for the Word that we adhere/The Word became flesh, lived for thirty years/Died at 33, but after days reappeared/Jesus Christ anointed one ascended in the air/Or you can say the air where the Father made Him heir/Of all things the throne know it’s more than a chair/But after our redemption yes He did take a chair/Greater than the angels name superior to theirs/This is Hebrews Chapter 1 if you cared/I’m leaning to the right/the light is where I’m running/I thought I wanted life, drunk, sexed out and blunted/But all I really wanted was the One who really won it/Fought death, beat it gave His life to the public/I love it! HOOK Angels surrounding His throne and Worthy is the Lamb who was slain The whole earth is full of His glory All nations bow to His name His majesty fills the Heavens Our hearts give thunderous praise Declare the Lord is forever Make a joyful noise in this place VERSE Man I’m trying to life Him high/Higher than the stars/I am not of this world like I’m from the planet mars/I love to preach Jesus you can read it in my bars/I’m pretty straight forward when I’m speaking bout my Lord/He paid the sin

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33 Responses to “Flame ft. Lecrae and John Reilly – Joyful Noise LYRICS”
  1. BATTLEMAG44 says:

    Its a good measure of expressing your faith

  2. FreakinAyobaMan says:

    I love this song…Praise be to God in heaven…!!

  3. synth000 says:

    CHECK OUT : Laid To Rest A CAPELLA!. song by Lamb of God. The top Video at my profile. Recorded With Split Screens. =O)

  4. pain799 says:

    he didnt say that he was trying to get rich off of it

  5. leblanc9787 says:

    seriously i think i’ve been high on every drug known to man. there is no high as long lasting or as real as the high of the lord. Praise to the lord everyday with all your heart and he will shield you from the darkness of the devil. Thank u for the christian rap what you people do for us lost wannabe gangsta is so uplifting. God bless

  6. mkl62 says:

    I am an ELCA Lutheran from South Carolina. I play the piano and organ. Tonight (March 21), I attended a Lent service at a local Lutheran Church. We sang Joyous Light of Heavenly Glory to open the service. It is #561 in Evangelical Lutheran Worship. It was written in 3rd Century Greece and translated by Marty Haugen. He also composed the tune that it is sung to, JOYOUS LIGHT.

  7. regime01 says:

    check out “Da Regime”

  8. AnnettaBrancantosn11 says:

    google mp3iiify to download this song from youtube.

  9. 23dperkins says:

    I am so soooo blessed. That our young men are stepping it up and taking their rightful place. Keep bring it forth. We all need it

  10. mrswynne28 says:

    i love this song

  11. tbrandonjohnson says:

    Yeaa! Gotta play this a few times a day!!

  12. diamondsays says:

    i bump this daily atleast once great song

  13. quin108 says:

    1:10 was it just me or did say f**k

  14. 116style says:

    J-Silas, Michelle Bonilla, Redeemed Thought (aka Stephen the Levite and Muze One), Benjah, Cam, Katalyst, Dillon Chase, Dwayne Tryumf, Thisl, Chozyn, Hazakim, even KJ-52 last album is nice five-2 television. I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!! TONS OF GOOD CHRISTIAN MUSIC WITH NO HALF STEPPIN in the LYRICS

  15. 116style says:

    they cant b pac n big because pac n big had some serious beef with one another shai linne and evangel are label mates along with timothy brindle, redeemed thought, hazakim, and json lampmode baybee!!

  16. buckeyeboyh5 says:

    He’s not trying to get rich off of it. If he was he’s doing a crappy job of it. He donates 25% of his sales to charity, and lately he’s given 100% to Haiti.

  17. 1stjohn23 says:

    i cant stop listening to this song. its how i feel

  18. 9sweetness5 says:

    this song is so good ~godbless~


    this is only one i herd i herd it on tv and thout it was a rad i thout it was good looked it up now no it christion rad and i love this

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