Sunday, February 23, 2025

Famous by Sho Baraka feat. Erica Cumbo

May 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Music Vids

Famous by Sho Baraka feat. Erica Cumbo from the album Lions & Liars

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21 Responses to “Famous by Sho Baraka feat. Erica Cumbo”
  1. COHEIR817 says:

    lovin it!

  2. tomashcu60 says:


    thats a z3ta lead

    8-bar first contact :P

  3. WNxSpikers says:

    Creator of the stars took the low road could of been a king or could of been a Pharoh he did it just to make us blameless now our only job is to make him famous!!! love this

  4. Daswaggermasta says:

    k drama went hard on this track jheeeeez!!!

  5. nlspears02 says:

    Erica Cumbo was fire on this album.

  6. Daswaggermasta says:

    i cant get enough of this tune i am actually gonna buy the album

  7. Dancer4Christ says:

    love this song!!

  8. runotit says:

    @fubunikk44 That got you too…lol, lovin it

  9. myLIFEisCHRISTS says:

    Anybody know the lyrics???

  10. fubunikk44 says:

    Jim Caviezel on ‘em, we wanna act like CHRIST.. !

  11. ladyofblue says:

    “i began to reach 4 the stars untill the saw a star who reached 4 the cross .”
    Love this song

  12. 03alexp says:


  13. angelicah1212 says:

    can NOT wait till i get this album in the mail!! Supa hype!

  14. just2raw4yall says:

    someone beat me to it… justrun7 uploaded the album

  15. MrKristian4 says:

    This sounds sweet! Please upload some more songs! I have preordered the album, but I just can’t wait!

  16. NextTopMiler says:

    Sweet. I would love you forever haha

  17. BSexton88 says:

    i can’t wait til i get my copy in the mail!

  18. just2raw4yall says:

    yea it came in the mail today… usually i just upload 1 song per album on my page… but i might go ahead and hook it up for you

  19. NextTopMiler says:

    You already have the album? Please start uploading bruh! I’m definitely buying this though. Gonna be great. I’m looking forward to shut us down ft. Lecrae and after edmund.

  20. KhristChild says:

    I like this Bro! My anticipation for L&L is sky-high right now.

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