Sunday, February 23, 2025

Facing the Future with Courage

September 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Around the Web

Suppose I told you that next Tuesday you were going to die in a collision on an interstate highway? How would you live between now and then? Would you be filled with fear? Would you make sure that you were as far away from the interstate as possible that day, or would you go straight toward it?

Let me tell you what Jesus did. He clearly knew what the future held for him. He knew he was destined to die and exactly when, where and how it would happen. He knew how horrible it would be. He could have changed his mind and escaped, but instead, he went straight to Jerusalem and the cross. He faced incredible difficulty with courage.

Whatever we’re facing – hard decisions, opposition or even suffering – we, too, can be courageous if we are followers of Jesus. Not because we’re stronger than others, but because we have God.

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