Saturday, February 22, 2025

Da Truth music video- “Experience is the teacher of fools”

December 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Music Vids

I just put Da Truth’s song “Click” from his album “Open Book” to some video clips. This song is great because it refutes the oh so popular idea nowadays that “experience” is what should guide us. Talk to an atheist or talk to someone from the ‘seeker sensative’ church and you will hear this idea. But Da Truth points out that God has left us His Book, and it is foolish to ignore Scriptures that are inspired by an all-knowing and perfect holy God.

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25 Responses to “Da Truth music video- “Experience is the teacher of fools””
  1. shepherdboy777 says:

    Hip hop in general is like an X-ray, it shows what is inside of you..We see corruption in secular music,But in gospel music It does the same thing if the artist is being true. And how is it all about the money? to be honest with you Most christian rappers still have day jobs, even the main stream ones….Most of them could have done secular music and make waaaaaaaaaaaay more money, but the stuck with the ministtry

  2. r3mote says:

    …and if your wrong and ANY one of them is doing what needs to be done to reach even ONE of the lost sheep through ANY of these songs then it is you who are in opposition to Gods work.

  3. Yungmayhem says:

    Music is not of satan. The influences that are related to the culture of the music may be of the devil. However, if an individual is glorifying God thru music, God is please… Psalm 150. If souls are being saved as a result, how can it be of satan. Matthew 12:26 “And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” …Money should never be an issue when doing Gods will. The fact that they dont get paid is a testimony to their faithfulness to Gods will

  4. 1Zhadow1 says:

    Who gave him the talent of being a poet? Who created him with the ability to use the word of God and adapt it to modern music to deliver the same powerful message to those who, if it weren’t for the beat, would reject it? I am a strong believer in the impact of Christian music, and just because another rapper skews their message using the same style music, does not mean that this artist is soing the same. This can also be said for Rock music as well…compare Decyfer Down to secular rock groups.

  5. amazinglyevie says:

    can you tell me how he is praising the culture of hip hop. Give me a quote of his where he praises it, give me your proof. And do you even know them, or are you making assumpsions which are not supporting or unifying the body of christ.

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