Saturday, March 29, 2025

Crucial of Beat Lab 7 releasing “Just His League: Crucial Edition” Sept 16

September 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Around the Web


Beat Lab 7 Productionz is at it again, coming back on the scene with an arsenal of new beats, catchy hooks, and clever rhymes fueled by an army of mic-ripping soldiers for Christ.  If you were among the tens of thousands of people who downloaded the “Music Meets the Truth” albums, which were released annually up to 2009, then you already know a little of what to expect.  “Music Meets the Truth” was modestly successful in the Christian hip-hop arena, widely known as being one of the most downloaded mixtapes of 2007, 2008 and 2009.  This series of free albums contributed greatly to bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to urban outreaches and inner city ministries all across America, as well as in various mission fields around the world.  Featuring several highly recognized recording artists and catering to a multitude of over 50,000 fans (to date), “Music Meets the Truth” continues to remain a humble landmark in this ever-growing industry.

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