Saturday, February 22, 2025

Changing the game!!!!!!!

April 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Fan Mail

For so long, Christian rap has been deemed as gimmicky. I want to pump up all the artists out there for completely changing the game. For you guys to flow on amazing beats, lifting praises to the only one who deserves it buries all past stereotypes of the genre! When someone says to me, “man that’s tight, what is that?”, I can finally scream, “THATS JESUS MUSIC BABY!”. Content is the push! I love it! Gives me new ways to promote THE WAY! Thank you so much for the push for discipleship! There are so many times that I talk with people and they just don’t get it. I now can reference verses in The Word followed up with reference to lyrics. I can’t tell you the benefits that it has on the ones that I speak to. No longer do they think of our walk as being square. The fact that you are helping us to raise up believers that in turn raise up believers to raise up believers. I know you follow me there. I went through a time where I checked all things in my life. I took away all things that were not “of God” to assess their value. Music, tv, time, reading materials, websites, clothes. In that time of removal, you guys, this website,, faith freaks social community, and Christian bookstores all were given to me as spiritual healthy replacements. TV still seems to be an uncornered venue but that tells me something in itself, no alternative no importance. Like T Dog says “I’m pushin ahead to see tha father”. Thank you for helping me to have new ways to push me and to push others to push ahead! I am screamin, “SEND ME I’LL GO”!

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23 Responses to “Changing the game!!!!!!!”
  1. Chastity Parks says:

    Hey there! We are doing a bike run fundraiser for a beautiful, bubbly, genuine young lady who has cystic fibrosis. When I asked her fav artist she told me Lecrae. SOOOO, if your not busy on May 5th I would love to surprise her and have you in attendance. No performing, just a hug to let this young lady know how special and important she is. I would even help with cost of getting you here to Indiana. She loves God and accepts the challenge ahead of her. She is nearing a double lung transplant and we are raising funds to help her family. Since Indiana does not do transplants for minors they will relocate to St. Louis for 4-12 months. Melanie, without knowing, has taught me to see the good in all things and people and to treasure life and have fun in all I do. PLEASE consider this, I would love to do something special for her!!!! She is a walking testimony of God’s grace! Much love, Chas

  2. Lacey says:

    Hi Lecrae… You music saved my life. Not only am i set free but my eyes are fully open and now i can see the way to the path of richesness.. I want to thank you for everything that you are doing for me. You are truely blessed and i hope you prosper even more than what you are now. You are a big inspiration to my life.
    I didnt have a home for a year and a half because my mother was on drugs and i didnt know what to do.. But when i heard your music.. The first thing i did was go out and bought a bible and began to read it.. Then i heard your song “backgrounnd” and that made me fall to my knees and ask Jesus to forgive me. Now i am set free and washed in the blood.. Im not that old so being saved at a young age isnt that popular… But im glad that i am set free and now i live in a home and i have a bed to sleep in and a roof over my head thanks the Jeus.. Thank you once again(:

  3. Ijioma Emmanuel says:

    I am a Kingdom citizen and a Nigerian, I bless God Almighty for Christian raps stars like Lecrae, Datruth etc. But most especially lecrae i luv him. who really preach the gospel through rap, am happy, am filled with joy. These music has actually inspired, ministered, and blessed my life in greater dimension.

  4. John says:

    I just want to say that God has put you to work for sure. He has used you as a tool to do great things in my life. Every time I find myself falling away I put on some of your music or some Derek Webb from “The House Show” and just listen to the lyrics to remelt my slowly hardening heart. I have been able to witness to so many people through your music and I have even used illustrations from your songs when I did little lessons in some small bible studies. I also had the chance to go see you in concert last night in Biloxi and almost the whole time you were on stage I had tears running down my face. Don’t get me wrong it was the deep, scriptural, self convicting lyrics that caused it especially the lyrics to background. That song is so true. I was brought up in a church that was all about promoting self righteousness so since I became a christian that is something I have really struggled with even though I am far from a morally right person let alone self righteous. Anyway just thought I’d give you a little encouragement I know you struggle with sin just like the rest of us and the devil probably tries to pull you into darkness more than people like me who don get up on stage and proclaim Christ but never forget God will protect you and he won’t let you fall to far before he whips you back into shape. And because I know you understand that we are to be humble servants I feel okay telling you that you are the biggest tool. (sorry I have a dry sense of humor it was supposed to be a bible joke) Anyway keep at it God uses your life to change hearts.

  5. Molly says:

    Why do you use the triquetra symbol? It is not a symbol of the Trinity, it goes back to the pagans and wicca, but I believe you know that already after seeing your newest CD cover in which you cleverly disguise the 3 finger bahphomet symbol. Could you please respond.

  6. Hi. This message is from my son Conner. He’s 8 and recently became a big fan.
    Hi Mr. Lecrae. Your music is awesome. You’re an awesome dude. I’m a big fan.
    My favorite song is “riding with my top down listen to this Jesus music. I also like that one that says “I should get out of the way and let God lead”. And I really liked on your video that you were really praying for yourself. It’d be great to meet you some time. I live in Sauble Beach, Ontario, Canada.
    From Conner Farrow

  7. TheBioSelf says:

    @ Kyle man, you should listen to Lecrae’s Far Away and Prayin’ For You.
    They always help in liftin’ me up in my dark times. Also, read the bible, you know what i maen, get into the Word. And pray too talk to God. He is Your Father, Your Daddy and your Savior. He’ll always be there for you.

  8. trevor says:

    Why aren’t Lecrae songs played on 88.1 Way FM?!

  9. Cobby Dollar says:

    I.m also a gospel rapping. I’m the shaking the world for JesUs

  10. Cobby Dollar says:

    Man of GOD Lecrae, God bless for heeding the great commission. You are a blessing to me and this generation. YOU are one of my role models.

  11. Travis says:

    Hey man this travis from austin indiana and i have been listening to your music for about 4 years now and i love it and the message. you are actually my favorite christian rap artest. i just hope i can be as strong in faith as you haue

  12. Kellie says:

    Lecrae, I’m listening to your song “Beautiful Feet”. Thank you for this song. You see, I am a trainer of church planters. I’m from Alabama/NC and now live in Australia working with YWAM. I am burdened by the need of the world to hear the Gospel. Many think church plants need to be in villages in some obscure area. I say “no, it’s not”. Cities need them! We need real believers who are willing to meet people where they are at and not judge. We need more people to “GO”.
    We offer church planting training courses all over the world. But, most of us are having to cancel because of lack of students. We accept from all around the world but nobody is coming. Nobody is going. So, thank you for those words of your song. We need people to go to the bad parts of cities and villages alike. Please keep it up!

  13. Kyle says:

    Hey lecrae I need some help. I have sinned against god and I am trying to change my life just like you did. I was at your concert at Kanakuk and that was awesome and really special. I love your music and you inspire me to spread the word about jesus to my friends. I wish you could come to my town and do a concert. I know GOD is awesome and I accepted him into my life.

  14. M.M. says:

    Umm, Sorry if this doesn’t relate to your FM, but I was wanting to know how you post these things, I can’t figure it out. Please help me out.

  15. greame says:

    well i recently herd my first lacare single from his 06 album after the music stop’s (praying for you) and i love it sound’s like me talking to me thanks for the ministry man now i have all your albums don’t understand the cover of rehab over dose still like the messages in the music as someone who use too listen to rap i say rap because rap andhip hop is not the same so now gospel rap that’s my new beat

  16. No lie you are the man. I used to think christian was a rap and thought there was no way i would ever get caught listening to it but you have changed that. For a college kid struggling with temptations your songs are an awesome way to keep me on the right path. Thanks for everything you do!

  17. Ashley Powell says:

    hey, I heard you albums and it has truly inspired me to be a stronger Christian and stand up for Christ. I’m try to encourage my friends to listen to your music and so far 1 of them is thinking accepting Christ. Thanx for the inspiration!
    Love YA!

  18. Debbie says:

    Hi, I just wanted to say that I love to hear your CD playing in my mini van. I often embarrass my two teenagers by blasting it around their friend not that your music does the embarrassing part, I’ve already determined its the van. I do pray that the Lord keep inspiring you to glorify God through your music. I know my kids hear the words and it brings a desire to have a relationship with the Lord. Get the Word out! God Bless.

  19. dabrika says:

    I heard your song(Background)on the radio this morning on my way to work, and I was a fan; I had to keep singing the hook in my head until I got to work so I can download the song, needless to say you had an whole album which I downloaded then to find out you had more albums……all I can say is that I love this song something in the words I can play the background, I know that GOD is smiling!!!!!!

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