Saturday, February 22, 2025

Binding and Loosing

October 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

What does it mean to bind on earth? It refers to your physical location; right now, you are here on earth. Jesus is saying that the authority to bind and loose are provided for us to use right here on earth.

In Matthew 16:19, Jesus said, “I give you the keys of the kingdom, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Psalms 119:89 tells us, “For ever O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” What God said is already established.

Now, it is up to you.

What are you going to say about it?

God will not alter what He has said. “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the things that is gone out of my lips” (Psalms 89:34).

Whose words will you establish on earth?

The power of binding and loosing is on earth.

Binding is a powerful witnessing tool: What keeps a person from accepting Jesus? The god of this world, which is Satan (working through his army of demons) has blinded their minds from the light of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). Jesus taught us to bind the strong man, then we can plunder his house (Mark 3:27). If you have been trying to witness to somebody, and seem to be getting nowhere, try binding the spirits of darkness that are preventing that person from seeing the light in the gospel.

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2 Responses to “Binding and Loosing”
  1. says:

    You sure can! Amen KizzyEl! People need to understand than things never just happen. The earth was not just there, it was created by words. Everything good that happens in our lives is a direct result of God.

  2. KizzyEl says:

    Yup. definitely. I’ll remember that when I go witnessing.

    However, there are other things that can be binded and loosed here on earth.

    We loose whatever IS found in heaven and bind whatever cannot be found in heaven.
    Quick example.

    Bind “lack” and “want” Loose “prosperity” and “provision”

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