Saturday, February 22, 2025

Being a Servant of God

August 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

Servant of GodEveryone knows they should be a nice person; that they love thy neighbors themselves and honor your father and mother. But when it comes to honoring God, they haven’t got a clue. If you think you are honoring God by going to church, well that is indeed honoring God. But do you give back change when you have been given more than you should have received? Do you show up to church late? Do you pick up that wrapper that is on the ground even thought its not yours? The bible says we should be like Jesus. I know He would do all of these things and in order to honor Him, we must also.

I challenge all of you today to go out of your way to do something that will honor God. It may not be something big, but it does not have to be. Remember, God does not care how big or small something is, He cares about your heart and your attitude in doing it. If He can not trust you to do the little things, how can He trust you when it comes time for the big things?

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