Friday, March 28, 2025

Anyone Watch Lecrae On The 700 Club?

January 7, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Testimonials, Videos

If you have been in the mix of the Christian hip-hop and R&B culture as of late, you probably have seen on this site or others, or even in person, what Lecrae’s story is. It never gets old. I urge you to watch it for the first time, or for the 5th time. It hits hard constantly. He is a living testimony of what God can do in anyone’s lives.

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18 Responses to “Anyone Watch Lecrae On The 700 Club?”
  1. Megan says:

    That was awesome! Lecrae, your music has really changed my life and challenged me to change others as well. Your song “Death Story” really had an effect on me, too. Thanks for everything youre doing! Keep it up and God bless.

  2. am frm Malawi,by da tym i started listening 2 your music i wz moved especially this track ”beautiful feet” it made me 2 stop listening 2 secular music bt only gospel music,i wud luv if u visit Malawi one day we need u here.Glory b 2 God 4 changing ma lyf thru u!

  3. Bas says:

    That’s a wonderful story right there!!!
    Nice music btw

  4. AAL says:

    A wonderful testimony. God is amazing!

  5. Jackie says:

    Lecrae, please come to Kenya!

  6. Tanya says:

    I am just learning about you and I have fallen in love with your music. Great music!

  7. Julian says:

    God bless you. I just recently found out about you. I am proud to say i cleared my mp3 songs and now i got your songs on there and other gospel music. God bless you. Thank God for you!

  8. Victoria Peters says:

    I just watched the 700 Club segment about Lacrae’s testimony. He is our son’s favorite Christian Rapper. You understand so much more when you hear person’s heart and why they do what they do. The blessing of seeing the Holy Spirit use this method as tool to reach so many in a language that they can understand… this is Kingdom. I am 43 years old, and I listen to some of Lacrae songs that our son has. I am blown away at the foundation of the Word that is in the songs. He has inspired our Son to start writing and rapping. I have a love for evangelism, and I can see this as tool as means to reach so many. My prayer that this ministry would explode in reaching as many people as possible…Father, in the Name of Jesus, let us populate the Kingdom of God on earth while we have breath in bodies! One day we will all witness the millions who the received the Good of the Gospel because they saw it lived through Lacrae & other’s music and lifestyle. May the Holy Spirit empower & anoint you to continue in power and in demostration.

  9. Reid says:

    I live in Canada and had the opportunity to see Lecrae at Creation northwest. The talent and charisma that he has is truly a gift from God, what most people don’t realize is that if he rapped about worldly stuff he would be just as mainstream as Jay-z, Kanye West, and all these secular artists. My point being the raw talent he has and the message of Christ he projects in his lyrics have never been heard before. We are seeing a new generation of men rising up and Lecrae is an absolute inspiration. Praise Jesus.

  10. Joey says:

    I’m from Kenya in Africa, just got Lecrae’s discography…man, God’s using him. I love his humility, his passion for ministry, and his music. I love hip hop and now I got reason to quit secular hip hop. God bless you man, you touched my life…! Four of your songs especially spoke to my heart…’Dont wanna waste my life’, ‘after the music stops’, ‘praying for you’, and ‘death story’.

  11. Kevin says:

    Thank you, Lecrae….. for allowing God to move you to move others. God is working miracles through you now. Embrace that. Praise His Holy Name.

  12. Paul Nasova says:

    Cool, songs are very inspiring for everyone. Keep it up.

  13. Christrocks says:

    Wow this is awesome; if I could have saw that I would have kryed… Man i wish they would show a repeat of it!!!

  14. florence says:

    He is a real blessing!

  15. Dana says:

    I watched your segment on the 700 Club a few weeks ago. I saved it so I could watch it with my sons. We just watched it again tonght!! We love your testimony!! Thanks for all you do. My twin sixth grade boys play basketball in an urban setting and we’ve introduced your music to the boys on the team. They love it!! We forgot to bring Rebel with us on one of our tournaments!! The kids wanted to hear it so bad, we had to go to two Walmarts before we could find it!!

  16. Ryan says:

    I think Lecrae is anointed. How his life was laid out for him was for a purpose. My testimony don’t sound like that and it makes me wonder if I am saved. I am afraid to talk about God, but I do. It’s just that God isn’t accepted. I would like to have a chat with Lecrae one day.

  17. Andy says:

    He is one of the most inspiring people i can think of. im christian, and i find sin and feel like im drifting away and backsliding from the church. i pop in rebel or youtube lecrae and man im back in the spirit. i think i speak for us all when i say thanks for the encouragement

  18. lashae says:

    i love lecrea he has seriously put some serious meaning in my life

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