Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tedashii answers your questions

November 2, 2011 by  
Filed under News

We would like to thank everyone who submitted questions for Tedashii. We received an overwhelming amount of questions and it was difficult to narrow them down.  Continue to check back for when to submit questions for our other artists.


1. Tim Hull: What does a day in the shoes of Tedashii look like? How much time is devoted to spiritual life and everything else?

Tedashii: My days vary but are probably not as glamorous as you think.  They are spiritually focused but probably not in the way you would imagine.  I am a husband and a father, so my days are spent mainly in those roles fulfilling scripture as best I can.  I also have quiet times, read, study, podcast, write music, etc. throughout the day, but I spend more time praying for my family.  The last thing I want to be is your favorite artist and a horrible husband/father.  Pray that all of us continue to live out the text in our homes.

2. Michael Bates: How do you stay spiritually grounded on the road when things get so hectic?

Tedashii: My best answer is biblical community and the accountability that comes from relationships in Christ. 

 In Luke 6, Jesus shows us a reversal of values in comparison to the world. Jesus tells us to prize the Kingdom he brings and to hold suspect the things of this world.  The world tells us to be individuals, while Christ brings us into community as a Body.  One binds and one sets free.  Christ brought radical freedom in my life through the confines of accountability and community.  There are hardships in the faith; there is weeping, pain, and persecution, but Jesus says there is blessing in it all.  When life gets hectic Jesus shines bright in the darkness and there, in my pain, He is closer, sweeter, and more satisfying than any solution the world could offer. 

 As I grow in Christ, my desire for His way of administration grows.   This Kingdom life, among others in the light, is the best way, not the world’s way of secret personal lives.  I am held accountable to my role as a husband to my wife, father to my son, and a brother in the body, none of which I can escape nor want to.  And all these things are to my benefit.  They are a blessing.

3. Jeff Brown: What would you suggest an up and coming gospel rap artist do in order to become successful in spreading the gospel?

Tedashii: Umm…not rap.  No?  Ok, be the best rapper ever. No?  Ok. 

Listen, spreading the gospel is a command to the Christian whether he/she is a rapper or the President.  We are called to be witnesses no matter what we do. If God wants rapping to be your platform then rap, and in addition to rapping I’d say join a solid Bible-teaching church and roll with them to serve your local area with the ministry of reconciliation.

 But success is a relative statement depending on one’s perspective.  Forget success.  That can be easily skewed if the right temptation comes along; instead, fight for righteousness.  Righteous effectiveness.  And the most righteous way I know to be effective is to hone your craft in community and let the leadership of that body deem you worthy of the role you desire. 

(Note: We were only accepting questions for Tedashii until July 16 at 4:00 pm. We will announce our next feature in the coming months, so save all your questions till then.)

Reach Records –

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