
March 23, 2018

Megachurch Pastor Admits ‘Sexual Incident’ With Teen Was Not Mutually Consensual

Andy Savage, a Tennessee megachurch pastor who admitted to a “sexual incident” with a teenager 20 years ago, has resigned from his position. The post Megachurch […]
December 8, 2017

Men Too: Why Male Victims of Sexual Assault Must Also Be Heard

Sexual assault is not treated like a man’s problem and men who experience unwanted advances in the workplace or outright have themselves forced upon are deemed […]
November 22, 2017

Protecting Victims of Sexual Abuse in Evangelical Churches

Sexual abuse is a growing Protestant problem, as institutional assumptions and procedures tend to protect predators and harm victims. The post Protecting Victims of Sexual Abuse […]
October 17, 2017

Christians Share Their ‘Me Too’ Stories of Sexual Abuse And Harassment

Thousands of women, and some men, have responded “me too” to actress Alyssa Milano’s Twitter prompt on sexual abuse in light of emerging allegations against Hollywood […]
August 11, 2017

Baylor University Sexual Assault Case: School Told to Hand Over Records

A federal judge has ordered Baylor University to hand over documents, data and interview lists from its infamous investigation that found that Baylor repeatedly mishandled allegations […]