WELCOME TO 2020 | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Christians Outside US Bewildered by White Evangelicals’ Unwavering Support of Trump
January 21, 2020
The 2020 Next Up List by DJ Jeremaya | New Music | @iamjeremaya @trackstarz
January 21, 2020

What is going on everyone!! Firstly, I want to deeply apologize for being M.I.A, BUT I’M BACK IN FULL EFFECT!! So much has gone on in the past couple of months, and I am excited to share it with you all!! For starters, I have officially left retail!! I am so happy and blessed that God brought me to and through retail work because it taught me a lot of lessons. For those curious (which I hope you all are), I am now working for Verizon doing tech support and IT help desk work. This opportunity is an answered prayer, and I am absolutely grateful that God put me in this job.

Secondly, back in November, I became an engaged man!! I proposed to my then- girlfriend of two years, and on our two-year anniversary, SHE SAID YES!!! Jess is a huge blessing and inspiration to my life and she helps me to grow and to continue pursuing Christ above anything else. She supports my dreams and goals so passionately and I only hope that I support and cheer her on as well as she does. She is truly a God send.

With these two major updates, I am reminded of the scripture that says, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). To me this says that when our focus is on knowing God and making Him known, He has a special way of bringing us what we need and what will help us to continually grow closer to Him. A lot of times we think of God as a transactional master, saying, “Okay God because I have spent time in your Word and been a solid Christian, bring my wife to me”, or, “God I need…” fill in the blank. God doesn’t work like that. He promises us that when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. All we need is to be close to our Maker.

I think back to when Moses needed direction to lead the people of Israel, he went to the top of the mountain to hear from God. Sometimes, we need to break away from our cluttered lives to sit down in the presence of God to learn what His heart is for us. It is really difficult to do that, but we need to be able to discipline ourselves, just like we choose to binge on our fav0rite tv shows. God desires our hearts in a major way, and in order to really hear from Him, we need to do our part to grow close to Him so that we can be blessed with more. Seek God above anything else!!


Much Love,

Ryan W.


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