What Scars Show | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Oracool :: Obey ft Benthaniel
February 27, 2019
J. Monty “Slum Sinner” Testify Pt. 8 | @jmontystudios @trackstarz
February 27, 2019

What’s going on everyone!! So this week, I’m going to be very open and vulnerable. I want to talk about scars, both physical and emotion. We all go through challenging situations in our lives, whether it’s a break up, or an injury, or something in between. Especially if you need to have surgery, chances are that you will have a scar. Honestly, scars suck. However, scars are a huge reminder of what we went through, and that we were not defeated by the situation.

This is where this topic becomes extremely real for me. When I was born, I had a “condition” I guess you’d say, called hypertelorism. This happens when a baby’s facial features may not fully develop while inside of the mother. As a result of this, when I was two years old, I had a surgery to correct all of this. The doctors had to go in my head to bring everything together, and healing was a tough journey. From the surgery, I had, and still do have, a scar that goes from one side of my head to the other.

Growing up, I hated that I had the scars because they would show more so when I would get haircuts. I would continuously get made fun of because I looked weird, and one joke was that I should sue my barber for giving me a bad haircut. This hurt me deep inside to my core because people were tearing me down because of something I couldn’t help. It tore me up until I was in my 20’s. It wasn’t until then that God really showed me that the scars on my head were not something that was my identity, but rather a testimony of what I overcame. I would say the same thing when it comes to emotional scars as well. Scars show that something tried to take us, but it couldn’t. We had the strength to crawl through it, and God was faithful through the whole thing to bring us to stand after going through those situations.

To be honest, there are some times that I still feel insecure when I get a haircut and my scars are easily seen. But thank God for my family, girlfriend, and friends that look beyond my physical features, and pursue life with me. Because of what happened to me, I hate seeing people getting judged and made fun of because of things they can or cannot control.

Ultimately, scars are beautiful testimonies about God’s faithfulness and strength put in us to go through trials. It’s not to say that trials won’t happen, but we have power to be victorious over anything circumstance that the enemy tries to bring us down. For anyone struggling with ANYTHING, I would say you can make it!! I’m here with you, and don’t let your scars make you feel inadequate. You are enough and you are loved by your Creator. Walk in that. I hope my honesty helps someone reading this.

Much Love,

Ryan W.

The post What Scars Show | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz appeared first on Trackstarz.


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