Why Finding Your Purpose Really Matters | @jasonbordeaux1@trackstarz

Trackstarz @ Dash ATL
December 1, 2018
Favored and Fearless- Keasha Beard Releases Vibe!
December 2, 2018

Why do we feel like purpose matters? A great teacher Myles Munroe once said, “Life without purpose is worst than death.” These are strong words, but they make since. Most individuals who are suffering from depression or anxiety have a common problem. They are not sure what their purpose is. So it is important for us to find our purpose as that gives us a core reason for living. When God made mankind, he made them with a purpose in mind. To govern the earth. When you look back in Genesis you never see God telling Adam or Eve to worship him. Why not? It is because fulfilling our purpose is worship at its finest.

It says in scripture that all of the earth from the birds in the sky to the rock will worship him. This doesn’t mean that they will start singing and waving hands as we do during praise and worship time during church. This means that they will be fulfilling their purpose whether we do or not. How can we begin to find our purpose? Im going to give a few areas to think about to start you on your journey.

1) Where are you naturally gifted? This doesn’t mean you never have to work on your gift or craft, but what do you naturally seem to be able to do without a massive training session to begin? There are so many more talents than creative. Some people are very organized and are very disciplined with time. Organizations need people like this in management. Do you have a heart for people and love to help others? Maybe customer representative management is an area you would excel in. Think about it and write it down then look up what type of job fit those gifts.

2) What makes your heart hurt? Many times our calling is in the area where we want to see a change. Ken Ham is the creator of Answers in Genesis, an organization built to try to explain the accounts of Genesis for those who are confused about the science of it. I’m not validating his position on everything, but using him as an example as to why he created his organization. He wanted to see a change from new and older believers who questioned these stories so he created live museums as a way of helping with that. What is hurting your heart?

3) Don’t let the income deter you from fulfilling your calling. I have worked as a pharmacy technician for the past 8 years. Filling medications for patients is not my passion or where I feel called to serve for the rest of my life. It has opened doors to do what I love. Learning God’s word and teaching. My work schedule allows for me to learn and teach, which is what I feel called to do. One day I would love to be a pastor, which isn’t always a paid office position. I do not have to worry about the potential salaries of doing either of those because I am not dependent on that to feed my family. If I was looking to teach or preach full-time as a paid job, I may never fulfill that purpose in my life. Don’t let the money stop you from fulfilling your purpose.

Where do you feel your purpose is? What do you feel God is called you to do? The world needs you to fulfill your purpose because it is missing a key ingredient if you don’t.

For all of my blogs postings and podcast head over to businesswithbordeaux.com.

The post Why Finding Your Purpose Really Matters | @jasonbordeaux1@trackstarz appeared first on Trackstarz.


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