What is the Gospel? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

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What is the Gospel?? For starters, the Gospel is an example of the most beautiful, unconditional love. The Gospel literally means “the good news”. This good news is that our Creator sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on a cross and to be resurrected from the dead for our sins. That we could not save our own selves, but Jesus was and is our perfect sacrifice, so that we would not have to pay for the wrath of our sinful beings. This is so beautiful because the love God has for us is unimaginable, that we can’t even begin to understand what unconditional love is, but we do have a perfect example in Jesus to learn from and follow.

Although this Gospel is so beautiful and heart warming, there is another side to it. That other side is loving, but in a different way. The Gospel also calls us to die. Yes, you heard me right. We are to die to our sin and ourselves on a daily basis. Jesus Himself told His disciples, and us included, to pick up our crosses and die to our flesh (Ephesians 4:22-24). We are called to sacrifice our own selfish will and desires, so that we may see and adopt the heart of the Father for our lives.

Please do not miss this aspect of sin. Sin separates us from God. It gets down to the very crevices of our hearts, and causes us to be hardened to the Gospel. We cannot just go about our lives, living however WE desire, and expect God to bless us and for His grace to cover us. Scripture asks this very question; do we sin freely so that we can use the grace of God? Absolutely not!! We cannot expect to receive grace when we neglect the process of letting go of our sinful nature (Romans 6:1). We need to accept that we do sin, but work out our salvation through our daily walk with God. When this happens, a wonderful exchange occurs; we give God our hearts and we let go of our former sinful self, and we are given the free gift of grace, forgiveness, and a clear heart on fire for Him.

When we accept this free gift, we are then equipped with divine peace and power to operate through the most difficult of times. Like I have mentioned in prior blogs, God does not promise us a free, easy, rainbow filled life. He even tells us that we will go through troubles in this life. Although this is true, we are encouraged to take heart because He has overcome them. Since God triumphs and He lives in us, that means we are over-comers through Jesus (Romans 8:37).

With this gospel, we are to take it to the world. It baffles me at times that I get kind of nervous to share with people. Then I am convicted because literally, who doesn’t want to hear good news?? Especially in this world we live in with tragedies seen almost daily, we need good news and a hope that somehow, we are being taken care of and loved by Almighty God. He is our Cornerstone and Foundation even when things around us are falling, He is there to lift us up and power through those circumstances. We cannot hide this amazing gospel under a shade by any means. We need to take it to the world, which includes our daily conversations, circles of influence, and people we come in contact with every day. This does not mean, however, that we bombard people with Jesus Jesus Jesus talk. We meet people where they are, relating to them and loving on them and just naturally interacting with others as we go throughout our day. This whole walk is about balance, and there is a time and a place for everything.

Overall, God loves us so much that He desires for us to walk with Him. THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE DESIRES YOU AND ME. HE DESIRES TO GROW WITH US. He will never leave or forsake us, and that is a promise we all can hold onto. Yes we need to do our parts, but God is offering eternal life to us, and to compliment our efforts with His strength. Thank you all for bearing through this long article/ sermon hahahaha. But in all seriousness, I just have this impressed on my heart; if anyone wants to give their life to Christ, you don’t have to wait for a sermon or a Sunday service. You can accept Him right here and now. I would be honored to receive any kind of feedback anyone has, or if anyone needs prayer for anything at all, I will be glad to do that. You can direct message me on social media (@ryanmw92 on Instagram and Twitter) or you can simply comment below. The Gospel is a beautiful truth that we can build our lives upon.

Much Love,

Ryan W.

The post What is the Gospel? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz appeared first on Trackstarz.


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