All Things Work Together | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Breathe Eazy – “Thank You” | @breeveazie @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz
November 24, 2017
Angie Rose Drops “Welcome To Heaven” Ft. Ty Brasel
November 24, 2017

What is up everyone!!! I apologize for the week gap in articles, but dot not fear…. I’M BAAACKKKK (shouts to Arnold Schwarzenegger the Terminator). But on a serious note, this week I was encouraged by Romans 8:28, which says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose”. This is a cliché verse, but it is so powerful, especially when we go through circumstances in life that show the hand of God working in us and through even the most difficult situations.

A perfect example is in relationships. A lot of us have gone through heartbreak. When we go through that difficult time, it is so easy to fall into the mindset that says that God has left us and that we are doomed to singleness forever, and that we are not worthy of love. I hear it all the time and have experienced myself, where it feels like God doesn’t hear our prayers or is absent during the times of tears, where we are crying out to Him to not only heal us, but to also bring us someone who will be better and who will be present through life’s challenges. Little do we know in that time, God is working behind the scenes, bringing purpose to our pain. He is saying to us in that time that He is not leaving or forsaking us, and that we need to grab hold to Him for our healing. A good relationship does not define God’s goodness. Even we are given the gift of singleness, God is still good. His plans for us, like it says in Romans, are for our best and for His glory. I want to encourage everyone going through heartbreak or has dealt with it, that God hears your cry and He hears your desire. Really pursue Him, not just for the benefits, but rather because He loves you so much and desires to have a relationship with you.

God is not good simply because of the blessings He brings us. God is good because He has the best for us in mind. It is hard to see a lot of times when we go through trials in life, but He promises us to be our Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Not only in relationships, but in times of job loss or rejection in any manner, we can see that because things have failed all around us, that God can be trusted. We need to be careful though that we do not put our stock in things on this Earth. That ultimately, our hope, faith, and confidence is based on Jesus, and His perfect love that has been poured out for us. I totally understand that life happens and we get hurt and depression so easily entangles us, but we need to really dig in and press into Jesus, so that we can gain perspective that our mess will be turned into a message. That our tests will be turned into a testimony for people to see Jesus all in it. Stay encouraged and live from the power of Christ!!

Love y’all,

Ryan W.

The post All Things Work Together | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz appeared first on Trackstarz.


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