5 Reason’s I’m Excited For New Music From Derek Minor | @thederekminor @rmgtweets @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz

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Few things excite me more than when an artist I like is gearing up to release new music. The announcements, the roll out, and the new singles giving a glimpse of the artist’s vision, I love all of it. We seem to be in a season to of new music constantly being released or getting to be released and I for one am really excited. I’m excited for the music that Derek Minor is getting ready to drop on the fans. Derek has been consistently dropping amazing music for years now, so when he gets ready to drop something I tend to sit up and pay more attention. I have 5 reasons that I’m excited for Derek Minor’s music… and you should be too.


He’s giving us 4 projects in 4 months. If this was any other artist I would probably be cringing and file said artist under J. Cole’s “Would you take a break please Rappers.” However, since it’s Derek Minor I’m more than willing and excited to hear that much new music from him. Derek went live on three different social media platforms (using three phones) to tell his fans what he’s getting ready to drop on us. Derek’s long history of consistently dropping quality music has me convinced that he knows what he’s doing. For those who are still skeptical, tell me the last time Derek has dropped music that wasn’t quality? While you mull over that question I’ll just move on to the next reason I’m excited for more music from Mr. RMG.


He’s constantly getting better. You know that artist who is constantly talking about how much better their music is than their last project but when they finally release it, it’s less than satisfactory? Yeah, RMG front man Derek Minor is the exact antithesis of that. Whenever Derek says he’s making the best music of his life you can take that to the bank. He said that when he was making ‘Reflection’ and what happened? A number one single on the Billboard chart, amazing music with dope features from BJ the Chicago Kid, and so many other things. Now a year later Derek is saying the same thing with the music he’s currently cooking? I for one feel like you have no choice but to believe him when he says something like that. Derek has gotten better from the days when he was PRO up until now and I have no reason to believe that he will do otherwise until he shows me otherwise.


Derek is one of the most relatable artists out. Christian music or music made by Christians has the stigma of being inauthentic and often unrelatable to the listener. For me Derek doesn’t have this issue and you know why? Because he’s honest about his life and his struggles. Derek has told us so many things about himself that I almost feel like I know him personally. From being called racial slurs and spit on, to his marriage, the death of his family members, and people stealing money from him, Derek has opened his life up to such a degree that it must be nothing less than uncomfortable for him. But in him doing that, he’s making music that’s relatable to the average person, whether they are in the faith or not. He makes the best music when it comes to overcoming obstacles. From “We Gone Make It”, “Hot Air Balloon”, “We Are Champions”, “Stranger”, to “Save Me” need I go on? His catalog speaks for itself. Derek is an artist for the people and it shows in his music. There’s no posturing of having already arrived, instead Derek leads us through the hills and valleys with his hand in ours as we learn how to navigate this thing together.


Derek Doesn’t stick to formulas. Music in general has become very formulaic and that has infiltrated into what seems to be every contemporary genre of music. Derek Minor refuses to be boxed in and do “what works” and his recent project releases really attest to that. Derek has started to sing more and has incorporated that into his music. This may not be what some consider the “smart move” from an artist who is known for snapping on tracks and producing anthem chant music. In a thread on Twitter Derek explained that by being himself and singing more he’s stumbled across melodies he wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. Being a Christian rapper and using the popular triplicate style flow for one song and getting slammed for it, did nothing to change Derek’s mind. He does what feels right and is true to him and I’d say that it pays off. Need I point to “Change the World” and the impact that song has had? Derek’s music and success fly in the face of having to be safe and conform to a formulaic standard to make moves in the music industry.


Derek’s uphill journey and apparent success have not come over night, but rather it was a slow burn. After signing to Reach Records and releasing two albums with them, Derek then proceeds to do what some may have dubbed “career suicide” by leaving Reach! This freed Derek to focus on his solo career but his label Reflection Music Group and the careers of the artists signed to this label. A few years later look at where Derek and RMG are! Derek Minor is necessary for the culture and Kingdom because he is doing things his way, still proclaiming Jesus, and having a great measure of success. He’s constantly on tours, been in the Spotify offices, and continues to make waves. I personally believe that Derek is important because he serves as an example of what is possible if you work at it and work as unto the Lord. Also I believe Derek has obtained what he’s obtained because he followed God’s standards and not the industry’s. Derek has poured into other artists, helping KJ-52 and many others. One could only ask what would have happened if he hadn’t fired nobigdyl. And encouraged him to follow his dreams!? Where would Indie Tribe be right now? On can only imagine. Derek Minor is important to the Kingdom of God and in the culture of Christians doing Hip Hop.



In conclusion, I am excited for the new coming from Derek Minor for a variety of reasons. He’s getting ready to unleash 4 projects in 4 months, and he’s constantly getting better. Derek is one of the most relatable artists out and he doesn’t stick to formulas. I submit that Derek Minor is an important figure in the culture of Christian Hip Hop and in the Kingdom of God. Derek earned my trust back in 2009 with ‘Redemption’ and since then he’s continued to make some of my favorite music. I bought two physical copies of ‘Empire’ and have streamed the mess out of ‘Reflection.’  We are sure to be in for a treat for whatever Chef Minor has in store and I for one am excited…. And you should be too.

The post 5 Reason’s I’m Excited For New Music From Derek Minor | @thederekminor @rmgtweets @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz appeared first on Trackstarz.


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