My Videographer Slept Overnight On A Mountain For A Sunrise Shot (247HH Wild Tour Stories)

Triple O Speaks Honestly About Depression
July 19, 2017
Why the Murder Charge Against the Texas Cop Who Killed Jordan Edwards Is Rare
July 20, 2017

Music Bed Produced By: The Innovatorz
Introduction produced By: Mike Jaxx and Tha Hydrox
LeCrae talks to @247HH about his videographer being shot hungry in Seattle, that he slept overnight in a mountain. Find out what happen to the videographer. #247HHWTS
Video Rating: / 5


  1. David Harvey says:

    haha great story

  2. Michael Rivera says:

    Romans 8:9

    Galatians 3

    Proverbs 3:5-6

  3. Rene Fortier says:

    Haha as a video guy this was funny. I`ve never slept on a mountain but I have accidentally jumped into the Ottawa River in the middle of winter… it was dark and I was focused on the shot I was trying to get and didn`t realize I had run out of land. My camera survived, my dad`s iPhone in my pocket didn`t.

  4. ShatteredFragrance says:

    Haha that's dedication!

  5. Lion Rose Music says:

    That sounds like something I would do!!!!
    the shots are worth it though 🙂

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