Flame – Surrender [Feat V. Rose] New Single 2010 + Lyrics

“Could it be Today?” – Answers for Each Day – Jan. 22
January 22, 2011
New Shalom- Lecrae Unashamed Tour 2010 Pittsburgh
January 23, 2011

clearsightmusic.com Lyrics Below. Sounds out of this world. Dopeness. LYRICS: Chorus: I’m never gonna run away, away from You/I open up my heart to You/ I’m Yours/ I’m pulling out my flag/ and I, I surrender/ anchor of my ship/ You can hold me down/ I’m never going to run/ No/ I’m never going to run. Verse 1: I’m never going to run/ I am truly convinced/ that Your ways are better/ I’m not on the fence/ who distributes joy/ who sets the soul free/ who can forgive sin/ who died for me/ yes its true that I’ve been captured by Your love/I’ve been captured by Your grace/ I’ve been covered by Your blood/I was lost but now I’m found/ yes its true You hold me/Jesus here’s my white flag/I surrender right now Chorus Verse 2: How can I run away/or go take a hiatus/ when the decedent of David has proven He is the greatest/you see He mediates/He is the mediator/Now I am so free/what a sweet savior Verse 3: I found a real love/and He is my ransom/not going to escape/I’m going to stay/I’m captured yeah/ but I’m so free/and I finally know that I’m where I’m suppose to be/so I raise my hands/I get on my knees/ because there is nothing like the day the Spirit captured me/and there is no one greater/I surrender I don’t need another savior/I’m never going to run Bridge: My ship was a wreck/I couldn’t pay the debt/ and I lost all my treasure/so I hit the deck/when I saw Your banner I knew I’d never run and I’m staying forever/I’m never going to run/No Chorus
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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“Could it be Today?” – Answers for Each Day – Jan. 22
January 22, 2011
New Shalom- Lecrae Unashamed Tour 2010 Pittsburgh
January 23, 2011

clearsightmusic.com Lyrics Below. Sounds out of this world. Dopeness. LYRICS: Chorus: I’m never gonna run away, away from You/I open up my heart to You/ I’m Yours/ I’m pulling out my flag/ and I, I surrender/ anchor of my ship/ You can hold me down/ I’m never going to run/ No/ I’m never going to run. Verse 1: I’m never going to run/ I am truly convinced/ that Your ways are better/ I’m not on the fence/ who distributes joy/ who sets the soul free/ who can forgive sin/ who died for me/ yes its true that I’ve been captured by Your love/I’ve been captured by Your grace/ I’ve been covered by Your blood/I was lost but now I’m found/ yes its true You hold me/Jesus here’s my white flag/I surrender right now Chorus Verse 2: How can I run away/or go take a hiatus/ when the decedent of David has proven He is the greatest/you see He mediates/He is the mediator/Now I am so free/what a sweet savior Verse 3: I found a real love/and He is my ransom/not going to escape/I’m going to stay/I’m captured yeah/ but I’m so free/and I finally know that I’m where I’m suppose to be/so I raise my hands/I get on my knees/ because there is nothing like the day the Spirit captured me/and there is no one greater/I surrender I don’t need another savior/I’m never going to run Bridge: My ship was a wreck/I couldn’t pay the debt/ and I lost all my treasure/so I hit the deck/when I saw Your banner I knew I’d never run and I’m staying forever/I’m never going to run/No Chorus
Video Rating: 5 / 5


  1. I’m never going to run/ I am truly convinced/ that Your ways are better/ I’m not on the fence/ who distributes joy/ who sets the soul free/ who can forgive sin/ who died for me/ yes its true that I’ve been captured by Your love/I’ve been captured by Your grace/ I’ve been covered by Your blood/I was lost but now I’m found/ yes its true You hold me/Jesus here’s my white flag/I surrender right now Chorus Verse 2: How can I run away/or go take a hiatus/ when the decedent of David has proven He is the greatest/you see He mediates/He is the mediator/Now I am so free/what a sweet savior Verse 3: I found a real love/and He is my ransom/not going to escape/I’m going to stay/I’m captured yeah/ but I’m so free ps thank’s to JESUS lecrae & other christan RAPPERS i listen to this music instead of the trashy kind I WANNA BE A RAPPER I GO HARD give me a beat i rap NOW BUT I RAP ABOUT JESUS HOPE FAITH LIFE STUFF LIKE THAT im only 13 but i know god loves my voice dont care if they hate bcuz I GOT JESUS that loves me AMEN .

  2. stacy says:

    wow this song is beatiful wher can i download it its touched me my freinds think im weird but i dont care hey im only 11

  3. Roy Amos says:

    amen, this song moves my faith to the next level….

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