116 Clique – Red Revolution

116 Clique Video
November 1, 2010
Trip Lee – Twisted (music video mix)
November 1, 2010

An iChristProductions video. 116 Clique ft. Sho Baraka and Tedashii in Red Revolution.


  1. e19872010 says:

    hola soy Eurys Hernandez, si kieren ver mi video entren a youtube y escriban Eurys Hernandez.

  2. kellenhodgson says:

    ok that song and video are sick! nufff said

  3. oefootball70 says:

    hhaha nice intro. lol.

  4. getafreakinglife1 says:

    because its cool! now shut up during the movie! uh people!

  5. jizzy009 says:

    No Jesus No Purpose

  6. rockachopa says:

    …why do you have the paramount and dream works intro?

  7. zodiak1 says:

    Moving video, RED RED!!!! I love jesus, ,, The lord father god is coming soon are you ready? will you be able to sit there and be firm and know you are going to be able to get in the kingdom of heaven? have you received christ if not i suggest you do it now!, Jesus love is a unfailing love you will never feel from this world, but only through jesus, i love jesus and ill pray for those who still are blinded and have not seen the truth.. I WILL WORSHIP PRAISE AND GLORIFY JESUS’S NAME!

  8. supersillymanable says:

    I think the arguments a little more complex than that to be quite honest, as different fossils have been interpreted in different ways. I think some of the best arguments I’ve heard have come from Michael Behe though, look up the actual chance of a protein being made by chance. It comes out as pretty much zero (something like 1 in 10 to the power of 123, considering the amount of particles of the universe comes out as 10 to the 87, that makes it impossible).

  9. davenheth says:

    evolution….two words for u……FOSSIL RECORD…….can’t find it……..case closed. Know Jesus, Know Peace.
    No Jesus, No Peace.

  10. beaniewells28fan says:

    …very moving video

  11. jlray887 says:

    Man! Thanks be to God that we can finally see in RED! Stay cross-eyed people!

  12. nessunopassato says:

    the purpose of evolution is to become stronger. thats it.the show of growth from simple to complex&weak to strong(adaptation). however, that would lead to a monkey becoming more developed in their natural enviroment, where development to two legs made them weaker and slower. that just doesn’t compute to adaptation

  13. ilove2mc says:

    no u cant

  14. nessunopassato says:

    @johnmichaelnanan well the main points in the arguement for evolution. like their statement towards us being from monkeys, when in reality that does not follow most theories or thoughts dealing with adaptation and mutation. their claim is that animals adapt to the enviroment therefore developing stronger or better, however going from trees to land does not follow that idea.

  15. johnmichaelnanan says:

    what main arguement? you got me a little confused

  16. nessunopassato says:

    @johnmichaelnanan through the theories and thoughts of evolution, you can weaken the main arguements…cool huh?

  17. johnmichaelnanan says:

    screw evolution and the big bang!

  18. Osebhengbe says:

    God is real and is love, the sooner we learn how to appreciate Him for all His goodness, the better! Blessed be the name of the Lord forever Amen!

  19. bookshelfdovato says:

    i soooooo cant watch this video!!! teary eyes
    :`( but praise god

  20. iTelos says:

    I want to change the Red Revolution.

    My color is red because thats the color that God bled for me!

  21. bringrevival says:

    This video is a vivid depiction of Christ beautiful love for us. It is time for the soliders of God to rise up and prepare the world for the coming King!!!! It is time to take up our cross and follow Him.

    God your love for us knows no bounds make our love a reflection of your own. Jesus sacrifice paid it all! The question is what are you doing in respose to His sacrifice? What have you done with God’s Son???????

    Thank you for preparing this video!!!!

  22. AlanFiott says:

    Come on, this is what really happend guys. See ? He loves us !

  23. kinkynpretty says:

    ummmm,this song wif duh pictures from “passion of christ”is not a gud match cus that movie is passionate,not rap,passion!
    so it makes the movie look like one of duh regular action movies…which is bad,get whuh i mean?

  24. lucasdasilvamaria says:

    How IN THE WORLD people still make jokes about Jesus and mock or deman of his death and deity??? Perhaps it’s coz they havent yet seen a christian likewise pour his life before their eyes.

  25. […] 116 Clique – Red Revolution : Christian Rap/Hip Hop news, events … 25 Responses to “116 Clique – Red Revolution” e says: November 1, 2010 at 4:31 PM. hola soy Eurys Hernandez, si kieren ver mi video entren a youtube y escriban Eurys Hernandez. kellenhodgson says: November 1, 2010 at 4:49 PM . […]

  26. ブログ says:

    帝國陸軍 → 中国で120万の躍進。 ベンジャミン・フルフォード、石平、サチン・チョードリー  日本人の遺伝子は朝鮮人だと思われたくなければ世界史を尊重してください。 
    今のアイドル見てて痛いと思うのはナチュラリストを追求しすぎるからなんだよ 苫米地英人  日本は敗戦国の大日本帝国だと世界に認識されている。 日本はNIHON。 JAPANは大日本帝国。 インドネシアのように国連を脱退して加盟すれば大日本帝国を日本に変えて敵国条項を廃止できる。 

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